[asialex] Asialex half-year summary

  • From: Ilan Kernerman <ilan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "asialex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <asialex@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 13:10:40 +0000

Dear Asialex members

Mid-way between the last Asialex conference in Hong Kong and the next one in
the Philippines, here is a brief summary of main issues that have occurred
these recent months and some further issues ahead of us.

Figures and finances

* There were 100 participants in the HK conference. The official number
of members of Asialex was 64.

* Our Treasurer, Shigeru Yamada, opened a new bank account for Asialex
in Tokyo. Various transactions followed regarding seed money from previous
conferences, help with down payment for the next conference, and funds from
Springer (who handle membership fees along with the journal subscription). All
is settled now, and Shigeru report in detail in Manila.


* Asialex 2016 will be held in Manila on 1-3 June. It is convened by
Shirley N. Dita from De La Salle University, with co-conveners Rachel Edita O.
Roxas (National University and Asialex VP), and Farah Cunanan (University of
the Philippines), and has the theme of Advancing Language Teaching with
Lexicography and Corpus-Building. The deadline for submitting abstracts is
January 15. Workshops are planned for the last conference day, and information
will be made available in January. Please see:

* The 2017 conference will be held at Guangdong University of Foreign
Studies in Guangzhou, China, and is convened by Xu Hai. The tentative dates are
26-28 May.

* There already is one suggestion for holding the 2018 conference. We
are open to receiving proposals until May 2016, and plan to decide about the
venue of Asialex 2018 during the Manila conference.

Meetings and communication

* Since Asialex conferences will from now on be held once a year, our
general meetings (AGMs) will also be held annually at each conference,
including reports from the president, secretary, treasurer and editor, and
discussing issues initiated by all members.

* In addition to AGMs, we hope to develop more routine interactive
communication among Asialex members - mainly through the mailing list and
website - your ideas and participation are most welcome.

* The Asialex website - http://asialex.org/ - was updated by the
Secretary, Vincent Ooi, after the HK conference. Currently it is undergoing
more substantial upgrading, and Vincent will keep us posted through this

Journal and cooperation

* Volume 2 Issue 1 of Lexicography - Journal of Asialex is our first
Special Theme issue, devoted to Teaching Dictionary Use, and guest edited by
Shigeru Yamada. Articles have been available online since last summer and you
should receive the print copy shortly. Volume 3 will include a Special Theme
issue on Korean lexicography, guest edited by Young-kuk Jeong. You are warmly
encouraged to continue to submit proposals for regular issues to the Editor,
Yukio Tono.

* Together with our sister associations (Afrilex, Australex, DSNA and
Euralex, as well as eLex), Asialex is taking part in forming a new
constellation for international cooperation on lexicography. The first step
will be to hold the Globalex Workshop at LREC 2016, please see

Wishing you happy holidays and a wonderful and prosperous new year of 2016!

Ilan Kernerman
President, Asialex

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  • » [asialex] Asialex half-year summary - Ilan Kernerman