[argyllcms] Re: targen: creating combined channel steps

  • From: Klaus Karcher <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 01:45:24 +0200

Jörg Koch wrote:

as I'm trying to generate test patches for characterization. In which way can combined channel steps be created with targen (e.g. in RGB, 52 red-green (yellow) steps in order from 0 to 100, blue always 0)?

maybe the quickest way is to use Octave <http://www.gnu.org/software/octave/> or R <http://www.r-project.org/>

In R you can create the table with one line of code:

> yellow <- data.frame(RGB_R=0:51*100/51, RGB_G=0:51*100/51, RGB_B=0)

you can use the built in function write.table() to write it to a text file and add the CGATS header manually or you can use e.g. my simple writeCgats() function:

> writeCgats(yellow, "yellow.ti1", id=TRUE)

Here is the writeCgats() function:


function(dframe, file, id=FALSE, dec=".") {
  if(id==TRUE) {
    na <- c("SAMPLE_ID",names(dframe))
    nc <- ncol(dframe)+1
  } else {
    na <- names(dframe)
    nc <- ncol(dframe)
    header <- list("R",
    c("CREATED", paste("\"",
      format(Sys.time(), usetz = TRUE), "\"", sep="")),
    c("NUMBER_OF_FIELDS", nc),
    c("NUMBER_OF_SETS", nrow(dframe)),

  write(header[[1]],file, sep="\t")
    for (i in 2:length(header))
    write(header[[i]],file, sep="\t", ncolumns=1000,append=TRUE)
    write.table(format(dframe, digits=5),
    file = file, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, sep = "\t",
    eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = dec, row.names = id,
    col.names = FALSE, qmethod = "escape")
    write("END_DATA", file, append=TRUE)



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