[argyllcms] Huey used with Samsung XL20? One more question.

  • From: Leonard Evens <len@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: argyllcms@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 11 Apr 2009 15:49:59 -0500

I suppose the best thing to do with the Huey in use is to hang it from
the top.  I presume the XL20 is still basically an LCD, so I have to be
careful about not pressing too hard on the screen.  I am a bit worried
that if the Huey hangs loosely, ambient light will interfere some with
the readings, or the sensor won't point directly at the screen..  Any
suggestions about avoiding that? 

P.S.  I finally found the information about udev on the Argyll website.
It suggests /sbin/udevtrigger,  /sbin/udevcontrol reload_rules
or  /sbin/udevstart to restart udev after adding or changing a rule.
But I have no such programs on my Fedora 9 system.   I believe
/sbin/service udev-post reload
or perhaps
/sbin/udevadm control --reload_rules
may work.  (I just rebooted, so I didn't try either of those.)

Leonard Evens <len@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Mathematics Department, Northwestern University

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