[apt4ssx8] speaking of visual aids ....

  • From: dave <dengvall@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apt4ssx8@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 21:37:37 -0700

The stuff Brent was doing last fall (?) was certainly headed in the
right direction. However, for a dummy like me the aids have to be

What I envision is something that prompts you with all the legal options
for the next move; and then gives feedback as you program line by line
which requires pretty good interaction with the parser, etc. I can
program moves which I think make perfect sense and they won't work.
Hours of work just to get around a square is not reasonable. Besides I
can program the simple stuff in G-code in a few minutes. 

However, good surfaces would be really nice. Because that is something
that really can't be done by hand. Getting a ball end cutter on the
right path is non-simplistic. 

I'm getting better with Synergy but that doesn't help the average Joe
struggling to raise a family. Been there, done that. 

Anyone heard a squeak out of Dan re' the packages he was playing with?


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  • » [apt4ssx8] speaking of visual aids .... - dave