[applied-ethics] Fwd: [Ethiek-mailinglist-VvEN] Job vacancy - PhD student “Ethics of pluripotent stem cell research: moving stem cells to the clinic”

  • From: "Verweij, M.F. (Marcel)" <M.F.Verweij@xxxxx>
  • To: "applied-ethics@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <applied-ethics@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 16 Oct 2012 09:24:44 +0000

For your interest,

Begin doorgestuurd bericht:

Van: "Bredenoord, A.L." 
Onderwerp: [Ethiek-mailinglist-VvEN] Job vacancy - PhD student “Ethics of 
pluripotent stem cell research: moving stem cells to the clinic”
Datum: 16 oktober 2012 11:21:28 CEST
Antwoord aan: 

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PhD student “Ethics of pluripotent stem cell research: moving stem cells to the 

Your profile
In this 3-year project you will write a PhD-thesis on the ethics of translating 
basic (pluripotent) stem cell research into cell-based interventions. You have 
a Master in Medicine, Life Sciences, Philosophy and/or (Bio)ethics. A 
demonstrable interest in biomedical research ethics and/or (the ethics of) 
regenerative medicine and stem cells is an advantage. In our project we will 
combine normative analysis with semi-structured interviews. Therefore, 
experience with ethics research and/or empirical research methodology will be 
considered an advantage as well.You should be able to grasp both the technical 
background of (pluripotent) stem cells as well as to conduct theoretical 
ethical analysis.
You are highly motivated, skilled in interdisciplinary team work, but also able 
to work independently. You are prepared to travel within the Netherlands and 
abroad in order to conduct the interviews. You have fluent oral and writing 
communication skills in English and preferably also in Dutch.

The project
Pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) are capable of self-renewal and have the capacity 
to differentiate into any cell type of the human body. Two types of PSCs exist: 
human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. PSC research has 
great potential for regenerative medicine, which is an umbrella term for a set 
of innovative approaches to the treatment of illness, injury and disability, 
focusing on the growth, replacement and repair of cells, organs and tissues. It 
at the same time is accompanied by a fierce ethical and political debate. In 
this project we will examine whether and how we can ethically justify and 
launch early-phase pluripotent stem cell trials.
The inherent uncertainty of first-in-human trials combined with the technical 
complexity of PSCs make early-phase PSC trials ethically very challenging. What 
value of first-in-human trials can justify the risks and burden for research 
participants? We will ethically evaluate both the ethical issues raised in the 
preclinical phase (e.g. the establishment and governance of stem cell banks, 
the source of different type of cells, the creation of chimaeras and admixed 
embryos) as well as the ethical issues associated with launching an early 
clinical trial (e.g. risk-benefit assessment, the concept of ‘value’ in 
translational research, participant selection).

Your position
You will work in the Department of Medical Humanities of the Julius Center of 
the University Medical Center Utrecht. Supervisors of this project will be prof 
dr JJM van Delden and dr AL Bredenoord. We will closely cooperate with 
researchers from the strategic program of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells 
of the UMC Utrecht.
You will write a PhD thesis (based on scientific publications) and follow 
courses of the Graduate School of Life Sciences and/or Ethics, and also give 
courses on Medical Ethics at the Faculty of Medicine.

More information on this project can be obtained by dr AL Bredenoord 
a.l.bredenoord@xxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:a.l.bredenoord@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> / 
+31(0)88-7551351. Please send your application to dr AL Bredenoord with 
reference to vacancy number 2012/0518.

Starting date: January 1, 2013. Please reply before November, 14th. Interviews 
will take place on wednesday November 21st.

The maximum monthly salary for this 100% position is €2673.00 gross on the 
basis of full-time employment (working week of 36 hours). This is a temporary 
appointment for 3 years.

Dr A.L. Bredenoord
Assistant Professor of Medical Ethics
Division Julius Center, Medical Ethics, UMC Utrecht
Tel + (0)88 755 1351 / +31 (0)6 4107 4365
Visiting address:
Stratenum, room 5.135
Heidelberglaan 100, 3584 CX Utrecht, The Netherlands
Postal address:
Huispostnummer Stratenum 6.131
PO Box 85500, 3508 GA Utrecht, The Netherlands


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  • » [applied-ethics] Fwd: [Ethiek-mailinglist-VvEN] Job vacancy - PhD student “Ethics of pluripotent stem cell research: moving stem cells to the clinic” - Verweij, M.F. (Marcel)