[HG-PBEM] Re: Juliette in the City

  • From: John Guilfoyle <john_guilfoyle@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: apaworks@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 6 Oct 2003 16:36:22 -0700 (PDT)

[OOC John: Juliette's means of contacting Eve, etc.]

[ > How's that?]

[OOC John: Dandy, thanks.]

> There was a clang behind, back in the alleyway. It was the same
> sound that she had heard when the two men dropped the sewer grate 
> down. Looking back, she saw another man, dressed in more plain 
> clothes, walking toward her. As he passed beneath one of the lights

> lining the the alley, she realized that he looked familar, but she 
> couldn't place where she knew his face.

> She then caught sight of a shadow under his jacket, revealing to
> her that he was carrying a sidearm. At that point, she noticed the 
> man spotted her, but he didn't appear to be reaching for his gun or
> change his stride. Instead, he smiled slightly. 

Though she couldn't put a name to the man's face, Juliette knew that
if she recognized him, it was likely he would recognize her. Dipping
her chin slightly, she hoped the folds of her cloak's hood would hide
her face enough to keep her anonymous as she turned and headed
further up the alley. The steel and polymer of her pistol felt cold
on her thigh, and she found herself hoping she wasn't going to have
to draw the weapon, buried as it was beneath her robes and dress.
That the man was armed was no surprise in the City of Trash; it was
his smile that was more troubling.

[OOC John: how many ways out of this alley? I'm presuming two. Ahead,
where the other two jokers went, and back, past this new guy and the
grate, to the crowded street. For the record, Juliette's heading *up*
the alley, away from the street, the grate and the smiling fellow.]

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