[aodvv2-discuss] Re: Draft 13e

  • From: "Lotte Steenbrink" <lsteen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: aodvv2-discuss@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 24 Nov 2015 14:06:33 +0100

Hi all,
following up on the MTU discussion: I just talked to Henning and he
confirmed our assumptions. AODVv2 should not be concerned with the MTU,
and the RFC5444 packet creator will fragment any messages that are too
big. They way in which this fragmentation is conducted is up to the
RFC5444 implementation:
It might take an educated guess and keep the message TLVs in all message
fragments, spreading out obnly the addresses across several messages, or
it might let the protocol constructing the message specify which TLVs
*must* be kept in every fragment, should the message be fragmented (which
is what Henning's oonf API does), or something completely different.
We've specified which parts of a RERR MUST be present in every RERR, and
that should be enough information for the implementing person, should they
decide to specify any kind of sophisticated splitting *to their API*.

Thanks for making this change Vicky :)


Hi all,

Made a little mistake in the last one, in that I hadnt completely removed
all the MTU stuff!


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