[antispam-f] SMTP server blacklisted or on the blink?

  • From: Frank de Bruijn <antispam@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: antispam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:20:31 +0100

As I'm on a broadband cable connection provided by Orange, I have little
or no control over what outgoing mailserver to use. It's a relatively
large provider with lots of clueless users, so its mailservers regularly
end up in blacklists (partly because of clueless users elsewhere, of
course...). According to several articles in the relevant (Orange)
newsgroup, there have also been other - unspecified - problems with
outgoing email.

From the (lack of) response I've had to a number of emails I sent
recently, I get the feeling not all of my messages are getting through.
Most mail to this list appears to be unaffected. So if you've sent me an
email regarding AntiSpam and don't receive any response within 48 hours,
please contact me via the list.


Other related posts:

  • » [antispam-f] SMTP server blacklisted or on the blink?