[antispam-f] More BASIC User Rules

  • From: Harriet Bazley <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: antispam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:41:23 GMT

I don't know if this is of use to anyone else, but I seem to have been
receiving a lot of spam lately in the format 
  From: "quinton passi" <netbrafe@xxxxxxxx>
  From: "monroe Wineman" <tualrov1952@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  From: "Flora Looker" <Flora-netalegf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

So I've been using a User Rule as follows:

DEF FN@domaincaps
LOCAL loop%,uppercount%,end$,letter%
REM "Vadim Moos" <_mlifrate@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>

FOR loop%=1 TO LEN(end$)
  IF user_uppercase%?letter% = letter% THEN uppercount%+=1
IF uppercount%=LEN(end$) THEN =TRUE

I'm afraid it has some dependencies:   you have to have set up an
uppercase table in PROCUserTest_Initialise (necessary to distinguish
easily between [accented] capitals and punctuation)

DIM user_uppercase% 255
SYS"Territory_UpperCaseTable",-1 TO ptr%
FOR n%=0 TO 252 STEP 4
REM take copy of uppercase table

... and you need FNgetdomain.

DEF FNgetdomain(in$)
LOCAL ptr%,domain$
REM trim angle brackets

This is of course not an entirely 'safe' rule, as there is no way to be
certain that legitimate users may not have their address specified with
the domain section in caps.   (Hmmm, might be safer to do the reverse
check on the first half as well, i.e. check for lowercase followed by
uppercase after the '@'....)

I have also been plagued by spam in the format

From: "Ora Barajas" <a-anthrs@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <01c877dd$28708680$643b5176@a-anthrs>

From: "Jason Randall" <a--shen@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <01c875ac$15c33b00$9079407d@a--shen>

From: "Chase Rosas" <skulduggeryfa4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <01c87215$b95fc480$72a543c8@skulduggeryfa4>

i.e. where the first part of the address is repeated from the final part
of the Message-ID.   Again, this pattern is presumably not unique to
spam (although most non-spam e-mails seem to have at least one full stop
in the final part of the Message-ID, you certainly can't rely on that),
but I have yet to see it in any other context.

In order to compare two different fields against each other you have to
use the FNUserTest_EndOfHeader feature.   (The only drawback of this is
that the rule seems to get logged simply as "Call EOH" with no way of
indicating what conditions triggered it.)

You have to use user variables to store the values and then compare them
when the end of the header is reached, as there is no way of telling
which order the headers will be found in (or even if both will appear at
all, although they jolly well ought to!)   What I've done is insert a

Call From: @ username
And Message-id: @ domain
| mark spam in the format Message-id: xxxnnxx@dhd / From: dhd@xxxxxxx

which has no actual effect other than setting the relevant user
variables when the relevant headers are encountered - I suspect the use
of the "And" is actually a red herring here and the same effect would be
obtained by two separate rules

Call From: @ username
Call Message-id: @ domain

Then at the bottom of the Rules file I have

Call EOH

which performs the actual comparison and deletion once the end of the
header has been reached and all possible data recorded.

(N.B. Having looked at it, I find the number of dependencies on this one
to be excessive - it makes use of procedures shared between a number of
different User Rules - so I'm not going to paste in the whole lot unless
somebody actually wants me to....)

The basic User Rules are extremely simple and always return FALSE for

DEF FN@domain
user_domain$=FNgetdomain(d$):REM as above

DEF FN@username
LOCAL nick$,mail$,ptr%
IF LEFT$(mail$,1)="<" THEN mail$=MID$(mail$,2):mail$=LEFT$(mail$)
REM preserve this for checking against user_domain$ at end of header

At the head of the file, I have to remember to clear my user variables
for each new e-mail scanned, to prevent unfortunate coincidences:

DEF  PROCUserTest_NewMessage
REM  Declare LOCAL variables here, BEFORE the LOCAL ERROR line!

Then I do a simple comparison in FNUserTest_EndOfHeader:

DEF  FNUserTest_EndOfHeader
REM  Declare LOCAL variables here.
IF user_domain$=user_username$ THEN=delete%

Harriet Bazley                     ==  Loyaulte me lie ==

You /really/ don't want to know.

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