[amc] Worship Schedule Voting Results

  • From: "Carrie S. Bert" <carrie@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amc <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Jun 2009 16:27:07 -0500 (CDT)

Please see the attached Word document or read the text copied below.

Thanks to the AMC church community for participating in this vote.

The Worship Committee

As you are probably aware, the vote concerning our morning worship schedule was 
concluded on Sunday.  The Worship Committee spent Sunday afternoon tallying the 
votes, reading voter
comments/suggestions/concerns, and discussing how to best proceed.  We are 
thankful the church
community participated in this vote and appreciated the honest and thoughtful 

A total of 49 votes were cast.  

73%   9:30 - Sunday school  10:30 - Fellowship  11:00 – Worship
 37%  9:30 - Worship   10:30 - Fellowship  11:00 - Sunday School

The Worship Committee recognizes that there are strong concerns about both 
options and we want to honor those opinions, making sure that our time together 
as a community is meaningful.   Unfortunately, this vote by our membership does 
not meet the desires of all who voted.  According to the results of the vote, 
we will continue to follow the current Sunday morning schedule.

In an effort to address some of the concerns, we have identified a couple of 
ideas that can be incorporated immediately:  

First, we will have a greeter on duty from 9:30 through the end of the worship 
service.  This person will be responsible to greet people from the start of 
Sunday school and direct visitors to the various Sunday school options, worship 
schedule, location of restrooms, etc.  

Second, there was concern that the fellowship time and Sunday school times felt 
shorter with the new schedule.  To make sure we are on schedule and there is 
one hour for Sunday school and 30 minutes for fellowship time a bell will ring 
at 9:30 to signal the start of Sunday school, at 10:20 as a 10 minute warning, 
and two times at 10:30 to signal the end of Sunday school.  At 10:55 it will 
ring as a 5 minute warning to start to prepare for worship.   We are open to 
constructive comments on how to better manage keeping the times on track.

While reviewing votes and comments, it became evident that the vision for 
Austin Mennonite Church needs to be discussed as a church community.  We will 
work with the conference to identify an appropriate time for a retreat led by 
outside resources that will provide opportunity for conversation within the 
community of Austin Mennonite Church about our direction.

Again, we thank each of you for participating in the vote.
Carrie Bert
Laura Robertson
Judy Thiessen
Garland Robertson

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