[amc] News from AMC

  • From: Austin Mennonite <austinmennonite@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Austin Mennonite Church <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 31 May 2012 16:42:48 -0500

Hello Everyone,

Last Sunday, May 27, we gathered in worship and community. It was Pentecost
Sunday.  Gloria Neunaber had an electric fan with streamers for the
children's story to talk about the Holy Spirit.  The Acts 2 story of the
coming of the Holy Spirit was read during worship.  Jared Diener and Dixie
Yoder played a guitar/violin duet during the offering. It was a day of
sunshine and warmth.  The fruit and doughnuts at coffee time were
delicious.  Thanks Ted and Dama!


   - Larry A. - grateful for graduations and teachers.
   - Alex M. - graduating from high school.
   - Rudy A. - possibility of job in Austin area.
   - Jill B. - concern for victims of war.
   - Angie B. - concerned about the loss of life in the unrest in Guatemala.
   - Stacey B. - friend having cancer surgery.
   - Grace F. - not feeling well.
   - Diane S. - concern for friend, "Tinker", with severe arthritis.
   - Nevitt R. - appreciation for musicians in the church.
   - Dixie Y. - concerned for well-being of students over the summer.

*This coming Sunday, June 3:*
*9:30-10:30 a.m.*

   - *Christian Education classes - children continue to meet in the purple
   room from 9:30-9:45 a.m. for singing then for class time exploring the
   - *High School Youth class meets through June. *
   - *Two adult classes will meet through the summer: 1.**Open Forum class
   in the outer office looking at the book of Hebrews, 2. Widening the
   Circle class in Annex 2, Door 6, exploring different communities since
   the 1950's who have explored and practiced Christian Discipleship.  The WTC
   book can be ordered at

*10:30-11:00 a.m. - Coffee and Snacks.  VOLUNTEER NEEDED!!!*
*11:00-Noon Worship*

   - *Recognition of AMC graduates high school through grad school - Aaron
   (BS), Alex (HS), Greg (BA), Jayron (HS), Jill (BA), Patrick (MS).*
   - *Communion*

*Noon - Carry-in (potluck) meal. Yum!*

Lee Lever, Pastor
Austin Mennonite Church

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  • » [amc] News from AMC - Austin Mennonite