[amc] FW: Wi'am Garden, Bethlehem

  • From: Steve Friesen <Friesen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Austin Mennonite Church <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 07 May 2009 05:29:41 -0500

I just received this mailing from Zoughbi.  It looks like they've been given
use of a building and an acre of land for their  reconciliation center, and
they want to build a garden, right next to the wall (!).  Images attached,
description below.  At the end if info if anyone wants to donate to the


------ Forwarded Message
From: Usama <usama@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 7 May 2009 08:40:42 +0300
To: 'Usama' <usama@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Wi'am Garden

Wiam Center first opened its door to the people of Bethlehem year 1994. It
first started as a small organization, yet year after year it has developed
into well known organization that has touched the lives of many. Wi'am has
kindly been granted the use of a building for a period of ten years as an
acknowledgement of its outreach work and service to the community, not
forgetting its tireless commitment to Justice, peace and reconciliation.
The new building's position beside the Annexation Wall will act as an
expression of steadfastness and non-violent resistance to the Israeli
occupation and apartheid division of the country and also provide the
Palestinian people with a symbol of hope that there can be unity, justice
and reconciliation.

Moreover, there is a one Acer empty piece of land next to the building. Wiam
hopes to be able to transform this lifeless piece of land into a colorful
flourishing garden. The message that we strive to convey to the children and
the people of Bethlehem through the garden is that in front of the wall, an
area that seems lifeless and stands for nothing but oppression and
occupation, hope and life can sprout into existence, for even though
occupation raises the wall higher than we can ever reach, yet hope is never
out of reach. 

Furthermore, this garden will have a positive impact on the center's work,
for it will provide us with an area to carry out numerous outdoor
activities, instead of having to travel far distances to gain access to a
garden. Also it will give the children who are deprived from free, outdoor,
spontaneous play the chance to play freely in a safe area. For, play is
critical to children's healthy development, and carries profound therapeutic
benefits for them, especially those who are traumatized.

Furthermore, since Bethlehem is an area that has very limited entertainment
places, we hope to open the garden for families and children providing them
with a place to socialize and enjoy outdoor activities such as picnics, and
barbeque parties. 

 In addition, it will help us raise awareness and educate the children
concerning environmental issues and emphasize the importance and need of
having a green environment. For example, we will be able to show the
children that the things such as left over food, orange peels ect, which
seem to have no further use and are usually thrown away, can be turned into
compost and used for fertilizing soil. We will also be able to promote

Cultivating a garden is away of expressing belief in a better tomorrow, for
when you plant a tree you plant hope, help us turn our vision into reality,
donate a tree, or more.


Please feel free to pay us a visit at the following address:

Wi'am Center

Bethlehem, West Bank

Jerusalem Hebron Rd

(Next to the Inter Hotel)

Telfax: + 972 (0) 2-2777333

            + 972 (0) 2-2770513



Please, don't hesitate to ask any further questions or if you have any more



 <http://www.alaslah.org> www.alaslah.org





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Other related posts:

  • » [amc] FW: Wi'am Garden, Bethlehem - Steve Friesen