[amc] FW: WDC Monthly Ministry Memo

  • From: "Kathy Reid" <Kathy@xxxxxxx>
  • To: "Mennonite Church" <amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 13:25:38 -0600

-----Original Message-----
From: Kathy Goering [mailto:kathyg@xxxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2003 5:41 PM
To: Kathy Goering
Subject: WDC Monthly Ministry Memo

    New effort.  WDC Monthly Ministry Memo by e-mail.  This is the first
issue sent this way.  Let us know how it works for you and what changes we
could make so this might be a good experience.  Our desire is to help you
with your WDC assignment by sending useful information and encouragement.
Editor Lois Loflin, Dorothy Nickel Friesen, and I want to receive your
suggestions on how this publication could be helpful to you.
    I attach the Word document, Monthly Ministry Memo, and paste it below.
--Kathy Goering

  Western District Conference
February 2003

Monthly Ministry Memo

A Word from Dorothy

 ?The Pastor?s Heart?

            Among the many things that I am doing in these first days on the
job is reading TRANSFORMATIONAL REGIONAL BODIES by Roy Oswald and Claire
Burkat.  This book has been recommended for all conference ministers as a
?must read.?  As I get oriented to this new role, I am juggling office
routines (just where are the paper clips?), office visits from pastors and
congregational members (?I know you?re new, but?.?), committee meetings
(nine already), travel to pastor peer sites (Colorado, Wichita, Topeka,
Dodge City), and getting acquainted with WDC/SCC staff.

It is a dizzying time not unlike those first days and weeks in a new
pastorate.  Transition and change demand not only a call from God, the call
of the community of faith but also the strength of mind and body to absorb
this newness.

            That?s why I am being nurtured by this book.  When everything
seems to be in flux, when many things are lacking routine, when people are
mostly strangers, I find solace and encouragement in gifted leaders who can
illuminate the Gospel path.

            The book?s introduction suggests that readers begin by turning
to Appendix 3 and reading the essay by long-time church consultant Loren B.
Mead entitled ?Regional Bodies & Congregations?What?s the Connection??  And
so I am beginning there.  I am most interested in conference and
congregation connections.  How does WDC affect congregations?  What do
congregations need/demand/expect from WDC?  And what is the role of the
conference minister in these important connections?

            Mead says that there are eight factors that determine how
connected a congregation and conference will be:


            *experience over time in that ?judicatory? (I will use the term

            *the character of the executive (meaning ?conference minister?)

            *the character of the pastor

            *the orientation of leading laity of the congregation

            *the relationship to the denomination

            *the nature of the other congregations in the community

            *the flow of money and resources

            I tried, without reading further, to imagine what the most
important factor would be if asked to rank these eight items.  I could
not?although I was hoping that the character of the conference minister
wouldn?t be number one!  However, says Mead, the one factor that is as
influential as any other in determining connections between conference and
congregation is the character of the pastor.

            This, again, reminds all of us how critical and how awesome
leadership is.  We, as pastors, wield tremendous influence and power.  Our
hearts shape our ministry.  Our call leads others.  Our actions inform the
community of faith.  Our lives witness to all.

            As I begin this new chapter in my spiritual journey, I am
reminded by this essay of the sacred calling to be pastor.  And that is how
I see my role as conference minister.  While I will also be executive,
manager, representative, counselor, paper-shuffler, I will mostly be pastor.

            Eugene Peterson writes the Apostle?s words (Colossians 2): ?I
want you woven into a tapestry of love, in touch with everything there is to
know of God. Then you will have minds confident and at rest, focused on
Christ, God?s great mystery? (THE MESSAGE).

            May the pastor?s heart be focused on Christ.  May my heart be
focused on Christ.

Dorothy Nickel Friesen

WDC Prayer Reminders

February 2 - Pray for committees planning to attend ?Tending the
Congregation? seminar, seeking tools to better carry out their

February 9 - Pray for junior high youth attending Know Jesus 2003 activities
at Hesston College this weekend, as well as all junior high youth in our

February 16 - Pray that an interim youth minister will be available for a
year of service to our Conference.

February 23 - Pray for Hope Fellowship in Waco that the Holy Spirit guide
them in their three days of self-evaluation of ministries and leadership.

March 2 Pay for Monte Horeb Mennonite Hispanic church in Dallas that has
started an MCC community work activity at the church. They opened a sewing
academy to train unskilled people.

March 9 ? Pray for all WDC committees meeting together at Reference Council
next Saturday at Pretty Prairie Mennonite Church.

Conference Ministers? Schedules


1 - Mennonite Men of the Plains meeting (RN)

4 - Staff meeting (DNF, RN, MG by phone)

4 ?Deo Board meeting (DNF, RN)

4 - Teaching at Anabaptist Biblical Institute, Dallas (MG)

5-6 - Consultation on Membership, Kansas City (DNF, RN)

8 - MCC Community Work meeting, Dallas (MG)

8 ? Peace Mennonite Church, Lawrence, planning retreat (DNF)

12 - Mid-Texas Board meeting ? (MG)

12 ? 1-70 Pastors? Cluster meeting, Manhattan, KS (DNF, RN)

13 - Anabaptist Resource Center (ARC) caucus meeting, Dallas (MG)

13-16 ? Out of office (DNF)

16 - Iglesia Monte Horeb Board meeting (MG)

17 ? Deo Board meeting (DNF, RN)

18 - Teaching at Anabaptist Biblical Institute, Dallas (MG)

19 ? Dallas area pastors? monthly meeting (MG)

19 ? Wichita Pastor-Peer meeting (DNF, RN)

20 - Prairie Seminar, Spirituality and Aging (RN)

20 ? Central Kansas Pastor-Peer meeting (DNF, RN)

21-23 ? Hope Fellowship church evaluation (MG)

21-23 WDC Pastor Spouse Retreat, Great Bend, KS (DNF, RN)

25 ? Teaching at Anabaptist Biblical Institute (MG)

27 - College, MC USA, WDC and SCC conversations at Bethel College (DNF, RN)

27 - Planning for Annual Meeting (DNF, RN)

27-March 2 ? Iglesia Menonita Hispana USA, General Board meeting, Miami (MG)

(Dorothy Nickel Friesen ? DNF; Marco Guete ? MG; Robert Nolt ? RN)

Pastor/Congregation News

      Elias Neufeld Harder, infant son of Willmar Harder and Hannah Neufeld,
was born Dec. 11, 2002. Willmar is pastor of Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church,
Inman, KS.

Bev Baumgartner, chaplain of Showalter Villa, and her husband, Joel Ewy,
have a new son?Henry Daniel Ewy? born Dec. 27, 2002.

The mother of Roy Walls, pastor of Peace Mennonite Community Church, Aurora,
CO, passed away after a long illness.

Urgent strategy meeting needs you

                Reference Council, March 15, will be an important time of
looking ahead to WDC future ministry and discerning where we can join God at
work. Another part of the day will be the installation service of Dorothy
Nickel Friesen as WDC Conference Minister. This will be a time for Dorothy
to hear hopes and dreams of our conference committee leaders, to hear their
perspectives of the important work we do together. Pretty Prairie Mennonite
Church members will host all the committees, 8:30-noon, and then committee
meetings in the afternoon.

Western District ending a thirteen-month fiscal year

Phyllis Regier, Conference Treasurer

            Pre-audit figures for 2002 indicate that Western District will
end their 2002 year covering their expenses by using less than the approved
20 percent of the Bequest Fund. Committees and staff worked hard to keep
expenses down this year, spending $17,500 less than last year.

            Support for Mennonite Church USA was good, and on Jan. 23 the
Executive Committee took action to pass on 17 percent of the total church
contributions to the denomination for 2002 and continuing in 2003. We are
very thankful for our congregation?s faithful support for Western District
and Mennonite Church USA.

Many Peoples Mennonite Fellowship adds third co-pastor

Marco Guete, Associate Conference Minister in Dallas

The Many Peoples Mennonite Fellowship has called Alphonetta Wines (Alfie) as
their third co-pastor as of Jan. 20, 2003. Alfie is African-American. The
other two co-pastors are Esther Martinez (Hispanic-American) and Tammerie
Spires (European-American).

            The church established their official church board in January,
called Leadership Covenant Group. The board is composed of a good balance of
ethnicities and ages.

A Word from the Administrator

Kathy Goering

New committee members selected

Denton Jantzi, pastor of Beatrice Mennonite Church, joins the Evangelism
Committee.  Jack Hardy from Eden Mennonite, Inola, OK, is the newest
addition to the Stewardship and Budget Committee.  We are grateful for their
commitment to these endeavors.

Cluster meetings planned for treasurers, church leaders

Treasurer Phyllis Regier and I are planning to meet with congregational
treasurers, pastors and financial personnel again this spring to

1)              share conference financial figures for last year, our first
year in passing on funds to Mennonite Church USA

2)              hear about the experiences in the churches in addressing the
new possibilities and making changes in structure if needed

3)              distribute the new treasurers form that will be used for
2003 (not much different but hopefully easier to follow

4)              introduce Dorothy Nickel Friesen to the groups as she is
able to join us.

We will again be asking churches to host clusters of congregations as we did
in fall 2001. You will be

getting information soon. Let me know if you would be willing to host
churches in your area.

Youth Ministry Committee in charge of youth activities

In the absence of a Conference Youth Minister, the Youth Ministry Committee
has been taking care of the activities. These people are Jim Ostlund and
Janet Regier (secretary), WDC representatives; Torrey Ball (chair) and Pam
Gerber, South Central representatives.  Janet said that if anyone has
questions about up-coming events to call any one of the four members.

April 6 the Youth Sponsor Appreciation Banquet will take place at First
Mennonite Church, Newton, KS. Sponsors will be receiving invitations. Alan
Lepard is the person to call for travel plans to Atlanta for the Mennonite
Church USA Youth Convention. Menno Travel is arranging flights for youth

New Video Catalog Available

Marlene Bogard, Resource Librarian

The 2003 Video Catalog is now available from the Conference Resource
Library. To save trees and postage, these will NOT be automatically mailed
to churches unless one is requested.  You may also browse or print the 48
page catalog from our website:  www.mennowdc.org. Since its last update, 35
new video resources have been added! These are excellent new discussion
starters and educational series for all ages.  Please note that we add new
videos to our collection monthly, so if you are wondering whether we have
one that is not listed, please give Marlene a call at 316-283-6300 or email

Troubleshooting Christian Education
Marlene Bogard, Minister of Nurture

As Minister of Nurture, I receive many calls about the challenges
congregations face in the area of Christian Education ? for all ages. Some
are we can?t find teachers, apathy is high, adults don?t come, need new
ideas for curriculum, etc.   I am available to come and listen to your
concerns and assist you in a trouble-shooting process where we might
brainstorm new solutions to your problems. Because of my role here at WDC, I
hear lots of good and creative ideas that are happening in our Mennonite
churches that I can then pass on and share with others.  Call me and let?s

J. Daryl Byler will speak at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church

J. Daryl Byler, director of the MCC U.S. Washington, D.C., office, will be
speaking at Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church Feb. 15-16. Byler will speak about
his recent trip to Iraq and also his work researching and advocating
non-violent public policy solutions for international conflict.

Hoffnungsau?s Peace and Justice Committee invites anyone who is interested
to join in this weekend of presentation and discussion: Saturday, Feb. 15, 7
p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 16, 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. The goal is to become
informed of and engaged with U.S. public policy and to wrestle with
questions of faithfulness in response to threatened war with Iraq.

Hoffnungsau Mennonite Church is located at 43 13th Avenue: this is 14 miles
west of Hesston (Dutch Ave.) and 2.5 miles north or 3 miles south of Inman,
5 miles east and 0.5 mile south. In both cases, follow the signs.

Ken Nafziger to lead worship and singing leadership event March 21-23

Is your church experiencing ?worship war? which usually revolves around what
kind of music and songs to use in worship?  Ken Nafziger will lead the
spring Anabaptist Vision and Discipleship event at Hesston College on Friday
evening, March 21, and Saturday, March 22, on ?Enhancing Singing in
 Worship.?  He will lead the Sunday morning service at Hesston Mennonite at
the 9:00 and 11:00 services.  Ken will speak and answer questions at a
Pastors? luncheon hosted by the college on Friday noon (12:00) in the Sauder
rooms in the college dining hall.

Registration is $25 including lunch and snacks.  For brochures or
information, email elaines@xxxxxxxxxxx or call 620-327-8290.

Educational Opportunities

Healthy Congregations at Community of Christ Headquarters, Independence, MO,
April 25-26, 2003, is sponsored by the Lombard Peace Center and led by Bob
Williamson, Associate Director (630-627-0507).

For the Children?s Children: A Conversation about Catechism is a continuing
education opportunity at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary on Feb. 28.
Contact AMBS for information:  bsawatzky@xxxxxxxx or 574 296-6207.

Dorothy Nickel Friesen?s directory information

Dorothy Nickel Friesen began her work as WDC conference minister on Jan. 2.
Add her address and phone to your directory:

Dorothy Nickel Friesen, 1100 N. Grandview Ave., Newton, KS 67114-1520,

O - 316 283-6300;  H - 316 281-9364

O - dorothynf@xxxxxxxxxxxx;  H - dorothynf@xxxxxxx



8 ?Tending the Congregation: Discernment and Committee work,? Hoffnungsau
Mennonite Church, Inman

14-16 Snow Camp I, Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp

15 Prepare/Enrich seminar at Hesston College

21-23 Pastor/Spouse Retreat, Great Bend, KS (. Registration is due Feb. 11.)

23, 3:30 Talent show/Fund raiser, Eden Mennonite, Moundridge, KS


14-16 Snow Camp II, Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp

15 Reference Council, First Mennonite Church, Pretty Prairie, KS

20 Women?s Spring Sunset Supper, Yoder, KS

23, 3:30 Mennonite Mission Network Event, Hesston, KS


1-5 Annual Church Tournaments

26-27 Mental Health Spiritual Retreat, Camp Wood, Elmdale, KS

26-27 Men?s and Boys? Retreat, Camp Mennoscah, no pre-registration required


1-2 WDC/SCC Annual Meeting, Moundridge, KS

WDC Monthly Ministry Memo, P.O.Box 306, North Newton, KS 67117

316-283-6300, FAX 316-283-0620, E-mail: wdc@xxxxxxxxxxxx

The Monthly Ministry Memo is published monthly by the Western District
Conference, printed in-house and mailed to all pastors and committee
members. Deadline for the next issue is Feb. 20. Submit articles and
correspondence to publications? editor Lois Loflin: loflin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Western District Conference web site is www.mennowdc.org.

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  • » [amc] FW: WDC Monthly Ministry Memo