[amc] CPT press release

  • From: laura and garland <lauralarue@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2011 19:16:51 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

Garland is sharing the statement CPT wrote that will be published in the local 
newspaper in Iraq.  They are taking a public stand to stop the violence against 
those who participated in the recent protests who are now targeted.

Christian Peacemaker Teams
PO Box 6508, Chicago IL 60680, tel.773-277-0253,  fax 773-277-0291, email 

Press release; for immediate release

Christian Peacemaker Teams (CPT) is an international human rights organization 
present in Iraq since 2002, first in Baghdad then relocating to Sulimaniya in 
We have visited with several persons who have been assaulted in recent months.  
All of these individuals actively participated in the protest that was 
forcefully dispersed on Apr 19.  We also know of the report published in 
Hawlati that a list may have been generated to identify specific persons who 
will also be assaulted in the future because of their involvement in the 
protest.  We have been told that future assaults may be physical and they may 
also be designed to slander and discredit the social reputations of persons.  

We know that some of the people who were closely related to the protest believe 
their lives are in danger because of these past actions.  Because the persons 
responsible for the past assaults have not been brought to justice, future 
assaults are more likely to occur.

We urge all government and civil officials to use the influence of your 
leadership to condemn the past assaults and to discourage future assaults 
directed toward persons who were a part of the recent protest.  We are not 
alone in our concern for the safety of these persons.  Both Human Rights Watch 
and Amnesty International are following closely the events that are unfolding 
since the protest was terminated.

Leaders in the KRG have worked very hard and effectively to present Iraqi 
Kurdistan as a safe and democratic region.  However more assaults on persons 
involved in the recent protest will further injure this reputation and make the 
recovery of it extremely difficult.  If the KRG desires to be an active and 
influential member of the international community then the right of their 
population to speak freely and to receive answers to their informed questions 
about the provisions of their government must be preserved.

CPT Iraq      

CPT has offices in Chicago, USA, and Toronto, Canada, and is dedicated to the 
work of reducing violence and repairing relationships damaged by injury and 
suffering.  CPT believes promoting the human rights of everyone is as important 
as promoting the human rights of anyone.  CPT works to develop inclusive 
community across all boundaries of culture, race, religion, tribe, and nation.  
CPT is registered with the Ministry of Planning as an International NGO 
entitled to operate in the Kurdistan Region.

Austin Mennonite Church,  (512) 926-3121  www.mennochurch.org
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  • » [amc] CPT press release - laura and garland