[amayausers.com] Re: loud grinding sound

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 19 Dec 2011 16:29:48 UT

This message was posted by YDCustom on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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Ours are certainly noisier at the upper end of a column width.  I think it is 
because of the long movements that are being made.  I find slowing them down 
slightly makes it sound less worrisome, though of course it does nothing to 
change the movements the machine is making!
In Diana font, I also find I have to adjust the column width to 80-90% to keep 
it narrow enought to sew out well on most of our monograms.  If I have to sew 
very large letters in this font, I will set the column width to 90% and then 
use a fill stitch throughout to avoid having long thread floats.  Honestly, 
though, I've just started putting an upper limit on the size of the Diana font 
and directing customers who want something larger than that to a different font 
that sews out better at large sizes, like Fanci Monogram or End Scroll.  With 
the ability to e-mail PDF proofs of the file, it's easy to stay in touch with 
the customer and direct them to a more appropriate font "for quality reasons".


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