[amayausers.com] Re: STILL on labels now using ribbon

  • From: "Roland R. Irish III" <signman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 16 Dec 2009 12:27:26 -0500

I was talking about setting up a silkscreen for printing directly to the ribbon. I use 18 x 26" screens, so I would set up as many 'label' images that would fit on a 20" piece of ribbon or so, allowing extra space between each label for the end to sew on, etc.- then cut my ribbon to the printing length. Print, lay on the conveyor dryer, set another one down, print, etc. For large quantities I would set up a screen for several pieces of ribbon side by side, using tape on the pallet

for alignment.
Don't know how you would do it for embroidery-there is going to be so much waste
of backing, etc.-and so much time for such a little item!
I know...one of those jobs you said 'no problem I can do it'..and it's fighting back!
Probably one of the hoops for dog collars would do....long and narrow.
Labels will be terrible afterwards with the backing-make them real stiff. Unless you can embroider without backing like the demo's for the Amaya said
could be done on lace!
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