[amayausers.com] Re: Designs that pull

  • From: webmaster@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 May 2008 17:41:10 UT

This message was posted by KGM on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
EMAIL. Instead, respond to the thread on the WEBSITE by clicking here: 

I do not use Melco digitizing software.  However, I keep seeing posts regarding 
designs that pull and are a problem because of it.  

I am wondering if you have an adjustment for the Pull Compensation in that 

I use it all the time in my software.  On things that do not stretch I set it 
at 0.1 mm on things that stretch more I set it at 0.2 mm (Like a 50/50 
sweatshirt 9.3 oz..)  On soft polos I try the 0.2 and if it pulls at all I set 
it up to 0.3 mm.  

I almost never having anything pull and certainly not after a test sew on the 
actual fabric I will be sewing on - and have made adjustments.  That being 
said, remember you really need to make sure you are using the correct backing, 
correct density and have it hooped well.  If it is too loose it will pull, if 
incorrect backing is used it may pull or else become bullet proof, if design is 
too dense it will pull.  I can reset an already digitized design to a higher 
pull comp also.  

I rarely if ever see anyone suggest to change the pull compensation.  Just 
wondered if that isn't something people that have problems with pulling should 
be looking at, too.



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