[amayausers.com] Re: Another Q

  • From: theboards@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: amayausers@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 26 Feb 2010 17:32:00 UT

This message was posted by Laurie on AmayaUsers.com. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY VIA 
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HI Sharon-

That is interesting that you have bobbin cases that old that you are still 
using - great, but interesting. I have sewn for years, and excessive use can 
wear them down abit. I wouldn't think that embroidery would be a lot different 
in that aspect. Even the AMAYA tech I spoke with said they need to be replaced 
on occasion, especially if you put a lot of use on your machine. 

Our bobbin case has been dropped a couple times and nothing seems 'bent' it 
does however have a 'rusty' almost 'rough' looking spot that it came with. I 
have cleaned the bobbin case, as I mentioned I just did a complete maintence 
and did lubricate everything as instructed. 

I also have adjusted the needles (and changed completly) if I felt they might 
be off.
Adjusting the pressure foot, helped but I still have infrequent (sometimes 
more) thread breaks on ANY design. (thought it might just be what I was working 

Upon repeating many of these checks when on the phone with AMAYA, the only 
other suggestion (besides teh bobbin case) was Hook Timing. 
(that was the idea she really frowned about)

I have a 30 piece job that is taking me extra tiem because I am getting 4-5 
breaks per piece! 
Just trying to stay productive and out of trouble with my employer!  :p 



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