[adtools] Re: idltool and fdtrans

  • From: Jens Langner <Jens.Langner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: adtools@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2006 10:02:39 +0200

Joachim Birging schrieb:

>>>> I've been wondering for a while now, and this seems to be the
>>>>   appropriate place to ask. Will idltool and fdtrans be included in
>>>>   adtools, or will they be kept closed source? I'm asking because
>>>>   today it would've made it simpler to have linux versions of them.
>>> There's nothing secret in there. I'll ask the management, but I guess 
>>> it's no problem to make them open source...
>> If so, then please let me know, I will then put the sources of idltool
>> and fdtrans into the adtools repository for further development.
> Me again, is this possible? Personally I think it would be great to have
> these tools on linux.

Sure, just have to ask the Friedens if it is ok to move that stuff to
our project.

Thomas, Hans-Jörg? Any objections to move the idltool/fdtrans source
code out of the OS4 CVS to the adtools project?

Jens Langner                                         Ph: +49-351-4716545
Rißweg 27b
01324 Dresden                                Jens.Langner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Germany                                      http://www.jens-langner.de/
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