[adde] AW: Re: IPv6

  • From: Christoph Kuderna <christoph.kuderna@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "adde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <adde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 10 Aug 2010 15:32:44 +0000

Da habe ich jetzt das genaue Gegenteil dazu gehört, nämlich dass man es NICHT 
durch Entfernen des Hakens "abschalten" soll.

Aus einem Blog, genaue Quelle habe ich gerade nicht da:

"It's a common misconception that unchecking IPv6 disables the protocol when in 
fact all it does is introduce transient errors. Windows Vista and later 
operating systems heavily rely upon IPv6 for internal operation, which means 
the protocol cannot be disabled or uninstalled entirely. Unchecking IPv6 on the 
adapter settings only unbinds the protocol from the NIC and the OS can still 
attempt to send remote traffic to the NIC where it never hits the wire."


II. For those who have some aversion to having any IPv6 traffic hitting the 
wire there is a "supported" [not recommended by the Microsoft Product Group] 
way to disable outbound IPv6 using the DisabledComponents registry value as 
directed in 
Contrary to what the article states, it is possible to simply use Group Policy 
 to disable IPv6 domain-wide - there is no need for a custom ADMX.

NOTE: It is beyond the scope of this blog to determine which components of IPv6 
should be disabled in a given environment using DisabledComponents. To 
completely disable all External use of IPv6 configure DisabledComponents to 
ffffffff. Also, if you find IPv6 remains checked in the UI after configuring 
DisabledComponents in the registry rest assured the protocol is disabled for 
all remote traffic.
Und das hier:


The Argument against Disabling IPv6
It is unfortunate that some organizations disable IPv6 on their computers 
running Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008, where it is installed and enabled 
by default. Many disable IPv6-based on the assumption that they are not running 
any applications or services that use it. Others might disable it because of a 
misperception that having both IPv4 and IPv6 enabled effectively doubles their 
DNS and Web traffic. This is not true.

From Microsoft's perspective, IPv6 is a mandatory part of the Windows operating 
system and it is enabled and included in standard Windows service and 
application testing during the operating system development process. Because 
Windows was designed specifically with IPv6 present, Microsoft does not perform 
any testing to determine the effects of disabling IPv6. If IPv6 is disabled on 
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, or later versions, some components will not 
function. Moreover, applications that you might not think are using IPv6-such 
as Remote Assistance, HomeGroup, DirectAccess, and Windows Mail-could be.

Therefore, Microsoft recommends that you leave IPv6 enabled, even if you do not 
have an IPv6-enabled network, either native or tunneled. By leaving IPv6 
enabled, you do not disable IPv6-only applications and services (for example, 
HomeGroup in Windows 7 and DirectAccess in Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 
are IPv6-only) and your hosts can take advantage of IPv6-enhanced connectivity.

Von: adde-ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:adde-ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von 
Andreas Michelfeit
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. August 2010 17:26
An: adde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: [adde] Re: IPv6

soweit ich weiß benützt der IPV4 Stack einige Optionen die im IPV6 stack dabei 
sind. Ich würde deswegen IPv6 nicht per registry deaktivieren.
Wenn Du es nicht willst, dann kannst Du auch einfach das hakerl bei den 
Netzwerkoptionen deaktivieren.
Dann ist der Stack IIRC aktiv und Du hast trotzdem keine IPV6 Adresse.

From: adde-ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:adde-ml@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Frank 
Sent: Dienstag, 10. August 2010 17:14
To: adde@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [adde] IPv6

Hallo zusammen,
ich aktualisieren zur Zeit unsere Domänencontroller auf 2008 R2. Wir benutzen 
kein IPv6. Da es ja bei 2008 R2 Standardmäßig dabei und auch an ist, stellt 
sich für mich die Frage ob ich es abschalten soll da wir es nicht nutzen.
Ich habe viele verschiedene Meinungen zu dem Thema im Internet gefunden. Aber 
irgendwie keine die mich zufrieden stellt. Wir setzen kein Exchange ein. Das 
war das einzige was ich gefunden hab was Probleme bereitet wenn man IPv6 

Daher meine Frage, abschalten? Mit dem besagten Registry Key?


Oder, weil es nichts schadet, auf DHCP stehen lassen? Oder vielleicht doch eine 
feste IPv6 Adresse vergeben?
Vielen Dank für weitere Infos.

Freundliche Grüße
Frank Müller

ROLAND Rechtsschutz-Versicherungs-AG
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