[access-uk] Should blind an VI recieve free bus and train travel: Was. Re: Re: How do I change which

  • From: "Graham Lewis" <Graham.Lewis@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <access-uk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 08:39:03 +0100

Qell I don't get free travel.  I get a third reduction if I have a pass - =
the same as students.  The thing I worry about most is not the cost but =
whether we will have a 'public' transport system at all.

Anyway this is all probably way off topic.

Graham Lewis
Centre for Academic Practice
University of Warwick
University House
Kirby Corner Road
Coventry CV4 8UW
Tel.: (+44) (0) 24 765 72737
Mobile: 07733450022
Fax.: (+44) (0) 24 765 727326


>>> peterlogue@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 10/06/04 05:45am >>>
Interesting question, Alexander
. Should blind and visually impaired persons recieve free bus and train
travel? Of course. Why not if its free. I'll take it. Most of us can =
afford it otherwise. But then should unemployed persons recieve free bus =
train travel,
 They, in most cases, make less than us, require the ability to travel to
job interviews etc, so why not them, too. One can argue that they could
drive, but that is hardly unlikely if they are unemployed. There's the
argument that this benefitt was fought for us by the vetrans of bygone =
But that was then and this is now. So should we recieve free bus and train
travel, especially in this day of privatization when shareholders are
themselves asking the same question. Why are blind and visually impaired
persons allowed to travel free. What about single mothers on welfare and
dedicated unemployed persons seeking employment oppertunities..  Really. =
should we get it for free? I've always believed that what the government
gives us, the government can take away. Is it only a matter of time before
we lose our free transit pass?
    From my point of view this isnt' fair to those living in the UK. As a
Canadian living in the province of Ontario I have always paid full fare. I
get free transit on our local bus which runs north and south once per =
But any intercity or from town to town is not free. There's no free rail
travel, no  D L A, no free grass cutting, no free houseing, you'd have to
pay at least $175 per month, after an eight year wait for a one bedroom
flat, if you're lucky. no free glasses, dental etc. But the government =
give me a free computer every five years, which I'm grateful for. A =
person in Ontario gets about $960 per month, which, at todays excellent
rate, is about423 pounds per month. Its often less. Last month I had to =
$650 for a root canal. I have an artificial eye. The cost of a new one is
about $3,500. i'd have to pay about $900 of that, benifitt or not
Should we get free bus and rail travel. Yes. But so should others.
As I've said, what the government gives us, the government can take away.


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  • » [access-uk] Should blind an VI recieve free bus and train travel: Was. Re: Re: How do I change which