[absoft-board] March Board Report and Reminder

  • From: alljack <jack.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: absoft-board@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 10:56:01 -0500 (CDT)

> ---------- Original Message ----------
>  From: alljack <jack.schroeder@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>  To: absoftboard@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>  Date: April 10, 2014 at 2:33 PM
>  Subject: March Board Report and Reminder
>  Hello Board Members,
>  The reminder is to you of the electronic board meeting scheduled for next
> Thursday, April 17, 2014 at 2:00pm CDT. Please send an email to John at
> john.boyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <mailto:john.boyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> in the
> minutes leading up to 2:00 pm to confirm that you are in attendance. He will
> acknowledge you. The board will be voting to approve this change to the
> Abilitiessoft, Inc. incorporating document:
>  Resolved, that the articles of incorporation be amended as follows:
> Abilitiessoft, Inc. is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and
> education purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or
> corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The sole purpose of this
> corporation is to conduct research into, and development of adaptive
> technologies for persons with handicaps.
>  If you have any questions, please contact John at the above email address at
> you first convenience.
>  The April Board report is attached. I look forward to "meeting" with you next
> week.
>  Jack Schroeder
>  Business Manag

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Calibri;}} {\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sa200\sl276\slmult1\lang9\b\f0\fs32 March Board Report\b0\fs22\par \b\fs28 Chase Account\tab\b0\fs22\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\ul Amount\tab\tab\tab Balance\par \ulnone 03/24/2014 \tab Account Transfer\tab Payment to Chase card \tab $100.00 \tab \tab $288.42 \par 03/24/2014 \tab Deposit\tab DEPOSIT Homestead Credit\tab \tab $284.00 \tab\tab $388.42 \par 03/14/2014 \tab ACH Debit\tab ADVANTAGE PAYROL PAYROLL \tab $546.23 \tab \tab $104.42 \par 03/11/2014 \tab ACH Debit\tab Workman's Comp Insuranc\tab $283.00 \tab \tab $650.65 \par 03/10/2014 \tab Account Transfer\tab Savings\tab\tab\tab $25.00 \tab \tab\tab $933.65 \par 03/07/2014 \tab ACH Credit\tab Transfer\tab\tab \tab $200.00 \tab\tab $958.65 \par 03/06/2014 \tab ACH Debit\tab CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PMT\tab $16.11 \tab \tab\tab $758.65 \par 03/06/2014 \tab Account Transfer\tab Payment to Chase card\tab $125.00 \tab \tab $774.76 \par 03/03/2014 \tab ACH Credit\tab ViewPlus Deposit\tab \tab $600.00 \tab\tab $899.76\par \b\fs28 Capital One \par \b0\fs22 03/15/2014 \tab JUNGLEDISK.COM \tab Merchandise \tab $15.72\par 03/06/2014 \tab CAPITAL ONE ONLINE PYMT \tab \tab -$16.11\par \b\fs28 Payroll\par \b0\fs22 Gross wages \tab 422.50 \tab \tab \par Employee Soc. Sec. \tab 26.20 \tab \tab 26.20\par Employee Medicare \tab 6.13 \tab \tab 6.13\par Federal Withholding \tab 10.00 \tab \tab 10.00\par State Withholding \tab 6.53 \tab \tab 6.53\par Direct Deposits \tab 373.64 \tab \tab 373.64\par Employer Paid Taxes \tab \tab \tab \par Employer Soc. Sec. \tab 26.20 \tab \tab 26.20\par Employer Medicare \tab 6.13 \tab \tab 6.13\par State Unemployment \tab 11.41 \tab \tab 11.41\par Employer Paid Taxes \tab 43.74 \tab \tab 43.74\par Fees \tab \tab \tab \par Base Charge \tab 40.56 \tab \tab 40.56\par Checks Processed: 2 \tab 39.43 \tab \tab 39.43\par Total Fees \tab 79.99 \tab \tab 79.99 \tab \par Bank transfer effective 3/14/2014 \tab \tab \tab 546.23\par \par }

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