[3rdmilsocialism] Armed and Dangerous

  • From: "(CHARLIE)" <charlie@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: 3rdmilsocialism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx, <crimgov@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <GovernmentShadow@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <KerryFarmers@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <KerryLabor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Rednecks-For-Kerry@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <stateyourcause@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <we_are_mad_as_hell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2004 07:30:17 -0600 (CST)

Cultural Backlash - "The backlash is what has made possible the
international free-market consensus of recent years, with all the
privatization, deregulation, and deunionization that are its components.
Backlash ensures that Republicans will continue to be returned to office
even when their free-market miracles fail and their libertarian schemes
don't deliver and their "New Economy" collapses.." (Thomas Frank, What's
the Matter with Kansas" 2004)...They have to have their guns to protect
them from the government. They really feel this way, as irrational as that
may seem. As if they could defend against a tank with an assault rifle, as
if they would have to.
* God, Gays and Guns


In addition to the human holocaust produced by the massacre of Iraqis by
the U.S.-led coalition and the systematic destruction of Iraq's
infrastructure, the Gulf war also produced an environmental holocaust. It
resulted from the U.S.-led coalition bombing of oil wells and oil tankers
in Iraq and Kuwait, Iraq's torching of oil wells and deliberate pouring of
oil into the Gulf, and coalition bombing of nuclear, chemical, and
biological weapons facilities in Iraq. Every day, during the last week of
the war and for weeks thereafter, there were TV images of the pollution of
the Gulf and, especially, images of the polluted air from the burning oil


A lot of people do like George Bush. They think he is a regular guy. I
think some actually relate to his bungling misuse of language, grammatical
errors, and averageness. I'm not comfortable with Mr. "average" in charge
and have his finger on the nuclear trigger. I would like someone who has
the capacity to think about things and not to be impulsive and I don't
think George has any of those attributes. I think George is pathological;
he likes to hurt people.


In November 1969 the unfolding story of the My Lai massacre shocked the
United States and the world. A company of the Americal Division was
accused of beating, raping, and murdering more than five hundred unarmed
Vietnamese men, women, and children and burning down their homes in the
hamlet of My Lai on 16 March 1968. Around the world, comparisons were made
between My Lai and Nazi war crimes at Lidice and Babi Yar. The final
defense of American policymakers had been that no matter how mistaken
their strategy or how misapplied their tactics, at least their cause was

The revelations of the American military's brutal, methodical, and
sadistic actions against unarmed, unresisting Vietnamese civilians at My
Lai exploded this last myth. The message of My Lai came through loud and
clear to many Americans--not only did their commitment of sons and tax
dollars to Vietnam appear questionable, but also the very morality of the
mission. My Lai caused some Americans to reevaluate the U.S. role in
Vietnam, while others reacted by denying that it happened or by contending
that the victims deserved the treatment. Some Americans even blamed the
media for disclosing the massacre.


Liberty and Justice does not apply to everyone

Shrub says the Bill of Rights is not something we hand out freely to
strangers. He says we won't try Americans in these tribunals but we'll
take all the aliens behind closed doors and beat the shit of them. Well,
he didn't exactly say that, but you get my drift. It is all secret. It
will happen. It has happened Torture has been discussed and no one is
complaining much about the idea. Torture has been evidenced. Torture is
the American way.

The the veil of secrecy will hide injustice. Essentially, what Bush who
has does not have the IQ of a bag of hammers has done is redefine American
justice for us. It is called George Bush's hammer justice.


Here is what Republicans do. They say the recession was Bill Clinton's
fault. No matter that the downturn really kicked in months after George W.
Bush was appointed president by the Supreme Court. That doesn't matter.
Every Republican I talk to reads from same book (not unlike Mao's red
book) and says, Bush inherited the recession. No matter that Clinton
presided over 115 straight months of economic expansion and prosperity.
That doesn't matter. All they care about is the Republican party line and
that is their fraudulent line of march.

Republicans tell us, to raise the minimum wage will cost jobs. They can't
explain why the minimum wage was increased twice with Clinton and jobs
were created, 22 million of them --- contrary to their pseudo right wing

The fact is the Republicans are wrong with just about everything. The fact
is Bush is running the U.S. like he ran his own businesses. Every one of
them failed but Bush still made money, and most of the time it came from
the Saudis.


Conservatives, Keep Your Grimy Hands Off My Social Security

"The real danger is not that Social Security is unsound, but that its
enemies might convince the public to accept "reforms" that would destroy
it. Who are the enemies? They are the ideologues and the selfish. The
ideologues would eliminate government programs in the name of ideological
purity. The selfish lust after the fortunes to be made if even a small
portion of Social Security were "privatized." Neither group is concerned
with the consequences of their actions for others." (Max J. Skidmore,
"Social Security and Its Enemies: The Case for America's Most Efficient
Insurance Program" - Westview Press, 1999)

"The social security program was initiated in 1935...The program has
become so well accepted that it is somewhat difficult to remember that a
little over a quarter of a century ago, when it was first proposed, there
were many people who doubted whether it was economically possible or
socially desirable or whether it could be made to work at all." (Eugene J.
McCarthy, "A Liberal Answer to the Conservative Challenge" - 1964)


Armed and Dangerous - Our young grow up in a milieu that extols violence
and depicts it vividly through powerful media images. Rambo and Terminator
movies illustrate the genre. These young people are not only the
inheritors of a violent culture but the daily witnesses of its salience in
the nation's life. Adding the ready availability of firearms to this
equation greatly enhances the prospect of further violence...One result is
that America is an unsafe place for women. Another is that it is probably
the world's most dangerous place for black males. And the kicker is that
most of the violence is probably preventable through gun control, and
other countries have shown the way.
* Far more Americans have been killed by handguns than have been lost in
all our wars


Bush Lost His Nerve - Linke says that Bush's now-deceased commanding
officer in the Texas Air National Guard's 111th Fighter Interceptor
Squadron, Lieut. Col. Jerry Killian, confided in her and her husband
during an encounter at a social gathering as to the reasons Mr. Linke had
been brought in to replace Bush. "He said Bush was mucking up his flying
very badly and he couldn't fly the plane," Linke said. "Killan told us
that he was having trouble landing, and that possibly there was a drinking
problem involved in that"--which Linke took to mean a particularly
debilitating one... * Fear of Flying

(See News Wiki)

100,000 DEAD IN IRAQ - Researchers have estimated that as many as 100,000
more Iraqis -- many of them women and children -- died since the start of
the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq than would have been expected otherwise,
based on the death rate before the war...Writing in the British-based
medical journal The Lancet, the American and Iraqi researchers concluded
that violence accounted for most of the extra deaths and that airstrikes
by the U.S.-led coalition were a major factor. * A National Disgrace

(See News Wiki)


Portals: http://pnews.org/

George Bush needs to learn a certain four letter word: FACT. It is a fact
that he has overextended the military to its thinnest levels in years and
forced thousands of soldiers to involuntarily extend their deployments. It
is a fact that he threatened to veto the $87 billion supplemental and sent
troops into battle without body armor. It is a fact that he has broken his
promise to America's veterans and made it harder for them to access
quality health care. George Bush is too busy attacking to get his facts
straight and he is out of credibility,

BUSH needs help with a simple four letter word: FACT


"The negatives about liberalism and associating John Kerry with that
ideology doesn't help Kerry -- even though "liberalism" is a very human
and compassionate approach to human behavior, politics and the state's
distribution of services. The right-ring has so denigrated the term that
it is rarely understood or understand what it really means to be a liberal
-- and while I don't consider Kerry to be the perfect liberal, no one can
accuse him of the kind of insensitivity and lack of compassion that has
been pervasive in the Bush administration. But Bush, it appears, walks on
water; and nothing really seems to hurt him. Conservativism in American
politics has been the philosophy of greed and to support George Bush is
supporting our own oppression." (August 20, 2004)

    * Where Have All the Liberals Gone?


The influence of the wealthy few in today's America flows in large part
from the fact that they underwrite the cost of political campaigns. It has
become imperative for all political campaigns to access huge corporate
contributions, and in turn this serves - almost willy-nilly - to buy
presidential and congressional candidates.

Money & the Electoral System


"Profound physical, emotional and financial hardships characterize the
socially neglected lives of....survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki
atomic bomb catastrophes living in the United States no less than similar
hibakusha in Japan. These victims, principally US citizens of Japanese
ancestry who were studying or working in Japan when World War II began,
and postwar brides of US servicemen, have long been engaged in a tenacious
struggle to obtain adequate medical care." (August 20, 2004)

    * Medical Care for the Atomic Bomb Victims


Not Too Swift Swift Boat Veterans


"War in this sense of large-scale, organized violence is endemic to state
systems for two fundamental reasons. One concerns the absurdly elementary
but intensely practical problem of acquiring and maintaining the means for
large-scale, organized violence. In any dispute between human beings,
violence is the ultimate arbiter. But what makes the state unique among
humankind's infinitely varied organizations is that the state alone
possesses, to repeat Max Weber's phrase, the "monopoly of legal violence."
The state is consequently the legal and political authority for developing
the means, both the material means and the manpower means through
compulsory military service, necessary for the large-scale, organized
violence that is war." (August 22, 2004)

    * Putting an End to War



"In the bitter controversy over our Vietnamese policies which has raged
across the nation since the President's decision last February to bomb
North Viet-Nam, there is only one point which supporters of U.S. policy
will concede to the opposition: the sheer, mindnumbing horror of the war.
Despite the barrage of official propaganda, reports in the American and
European press reveal that the United States is fighting the dirtiest war
of its history in Viet-Nam. The weapons in the American arsenal include
torture, systematic bombing of civilian targets, the first use of poison
gas since World War One, the shooting of prisoners and the general
devastation of the Vietnamese countryside by napalm and white phosphorus.
Not since the days of the American Indian wars has the United States waged
such unrelenting warfare against an entire people." (August 24, 2004)

American Atrocities in Vietnam


"Suggesting we're in pretty good shape now defies logic and ignores and
avoids the problem. Is anyone suggesting that the so-called "ECONOMIC
BOOM" is a benefit to most working men and women? No one can prove that
"trickle down" actually works? It doesn't. The wealthy ruling classes
never pay for more than they need, in spite of any give-backs to motivate
capital investment. The wealthy ruling classes only invest in business
when they know they can make a bigger profit. They only hire when they
must and only at wages which under any circumstances should be considered
criminal - because this elite is not altruistic or compassionate. It is
greedy and profit hungry. People don't matter. For them, only the profits
matter." (August 25, 2004)

    * Pretending to be Shocked


Bush is a Miserably Failure
Topic: anyone-but-bush

Red alert at the White House Failures pile up for our anti-government


    / o o \
 4 Portals - 2 News Wikis - 2 Conferences  -- No More BuSHIT!
It all starts here: - http://pnews.org/ (On Internet since 1982)
http://pnews.org/PhpWiki/ (West Coast News Wiki)
http://g0lem.net/PhpWiki/ (East Coast News Wiki)


There isn't a lot of time left. And I am not just referring to the
election, whatever the outcome of that. Whoever wins this election the
battles will be the same.

We are embroiled in a cultural war, a populist anti-modernism, a civil 
war which is about values more than a person's economic self-interest:
abortion {and a woman's right to choice}, capital punishment, gay
marriage, gun control, evolution vs creationism, prayers and religious
symbols in schools, and on and on and on, etc, at times crossing party
lines. There is a rapidly growing hysteria and fear, not unlike those
emotions which also fueled fascism in the 30s. We are at the cross-roads
and if we don't stop this right wing march now, we will see the world
change in the very worst way imaginable.
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  • » [3rdmilsocialism] Armed and Dangerous