[yshavurah] <no subject>

  • From: eric friedland <efriedland@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: ed z <ezeiders@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2003 11:36:38 -0400

Good morning, Ed,

Thanks so much for your most recent e-note. I apologize for the delay, as,
inevitably, there was some joint figuring out what the YS Havurah had to do.
First of all, one who is professionally trained in copying (sofer) would
need to examine the scroll, determine what errors or blurrings have crept in
over the years, and evaluate the costs of making the corrections. So far as
we know, there is someone in Columbus who does this highly specialized work.
Because we're in the middle of our Passover observances, the Havurah won't
be meeting until April 24 to decide how it might go about this. Should the
scroll be indeed usable, before or after "reconditioning," the broad
sentiment is very much in favor of a formal ceremony to celebrate the
Seminary's remarkable act of generosity. You will certainly be kept abreast
of the Havurah's deliberations regarding the Torah scroll repairs and the
possibilities of a ceremonial transfer.

A richly meaningful Holy Week and a joyous Easter.


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