Re: 64 or 32 bit Win 7

  • From: Raphael Tennenbaum <rtennenbaum@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: xywrite@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 10:34:53 -0400

J R FOX wrote:

I have to say upfront that I've had really minimal exposure to 'Nix apps -- Rafe or someone else should comment there -- but in what little I've seen there seems to be a lot more work involved in setting them up, and the UI for them tends to be rather lacking in Win or Mac terms. While it would be great if free 'Nix apps could give their Win counterparts a serious run for the money, it hasn't really happened yet and I'm doubtful it ever will. And only a portion of that is due to market share and marketing.

I have seen very few open-source Linux apps that don't match their commercial equivalents -- PS is a rare exception, but that's largely because as Paul points out, no matter how evolved Gimp is -- and it looks a good deal like PS did 7-8 years ago -- no one who uses PS a lot can really afford to set aside its tools and conventions.

elsewise, very little difference -- though I should say that I haven't used anything beyond XP in Windows. apps that burn CDs, for instance, look just as they do on other platforms. and there are lots of games and applications -- flight simulators, shoot-em-ups, beautiful planetarium simulators -- that look just stunning.

on the other hand, a lot of tools which cost money and complexity on other platforms are free in Linuxland. I don't know what it's like to join PDFs now, but a year ago, you had to buy a shareware app to do it under windows. likewise DVD ripping these days -- simple under Ubuntu, costly under Windows.



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