[Wittrs] Searle, Dennett and Wittgenstein

  • From: Joseph Polanik <jpolanik@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wittrsamr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 18:09:31 -0400

gabuddabout wrote:

>Searle's theory of speech acts and Intentionality go beyond the
>analysis of language though all philosophy has to start somewhere (as
>Austin put it: Ordinary language may not be the end, but it is a
>beginning). Searle is not doing what Bertrand Russell accused Witters
>of--idle tea table gossip.

I don't know about the rest of his theory of speech acts; but, Searle's
analysis of performatives is first rate; and, is part of the reason I
generally prefer a performative interpretation of cogito-like claims
(e.g. 'I am self-aware; therefore, I am') rather than the more
traditional interpretation of them as enthymemic syllogisms.



Nothing Unreal is Self-Aware



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