[Wittrs] Re: On the Mechanism of Understanding

  • From: "blroadies" <blroadies@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 15 Aug 2009 17:47:24 -0000

--- In Wittrs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, "Stuart W. Mirsky" <SWMirsky@...> wrote:

> So you are "saying" that there is no possibility that science could
someday produce a machine that has consciousness, has a mind?

For the record, I'm hopeful that we will build creatures with minds.
What substance they will be made of (maybe we'll discover some new
stuff), or whether they will be considered "computers" (word meaning
changes in time) is open.

But-- While this wonderful accomplishment will provide new grist for the
Monism/Dualism mill, it can't possibly resolve it. Why? Because the
conceptual question of the relationship between mind and body is simply
replicated in this new creature as it will be in those space aliens I
guess I'm too old to ever meet.


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