[wisb] Little Gull Images

  • From: "Scott Franke" <sfranke4@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <wisbirdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 31 May 2009 22:41:37 -0500

Hi Wisbirdn, 

Here are the Little Gull images from this morning





along with my list for the day. 



Location:     Manitowoc County, WI, US

Observation date:     5/31/09

Notes:     Hika Park, Fischer Creek, Cty LS, Manitowoc Ferry, Manitowoc
Impoundment, Rawley Point, Mohash Creek, Hi Walla Park.  Little Gull
documentation photos to follow.   

Number of species:     90


Canada Goose     X

Mallard     X

Blue-winged Teal     X

Northern Shoveler     X

Greater Scaup     X

Red-breasted Merganser     X

Wild Turkey     X

Double-crested Cormorant     X

Great Blue Heron     X

Turkey Vulture     X

Peregrine Falcon     X

American Coot     X

Sandhill Crane     X

Semipalmated Plover     X

Killdeer     X

Spotted Sandpiper     X

Semipalmated Sandpiper     X

Dunlin     X

Bonaparte's Gull     X

Little Gull     X

Ring-billed Gull     X

Herring Gull     X

Great Black-backed Gull     X

Caspian Tern     X

Common Tern     X

Forster's Tern     X

Rock Pigeon     X

Mourning Dove     X

Chimney Swift     X

Belted Kingfisher     X

Red-bellied Woodpecker     X

Downy Woodpecker     X

Eastern Wood-Pewee     X

Yellow-bellied Flycatcher     X

Alder Flycatcher     X

Willow Flycatcher     X

Great Crested Flycatcher     X

Eastern Kingbird     X

Warbling Vireo     X

Red-eyed Vireo     X

Blue Jay     X

American Crow     X

Purple Martin     X

Tree Swallow     X

Northern Rough-winged Swallow     X

Bank Swallow     X

Cliff Swallow     X

Barn Swallow     X

Black-capped Chickadee     X

White-breasted Nuthatch     X

House Wren     X

Winter Wren     X

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher     X

Eastern Bluebird     X

Veery     X

Wood Thrush     X

American Robin     X

Gray Catbird     X

European Starling     X

Cedar Waxwing     X

Blue-winged Warbler     X

Golden-winged Warbler     X

Yellow Warbler     X

Chestnut-sided Warbler     X

Black-throated Green Warbler     X

Blackburnian Warbler     X

Pine Warbler     X

American Redstart     X

Ovenbird     X

Northern Waterthrush     X

Mourning Warbler     X

Common Yellowthroat     X

Hooded Warbler     X

Eastern Towhee     X

Chipping Sparrow     X

Clay-colored Sparrow     X

Field Sparrow     X

Savannah Sparrow     X

Song Sparrow     X

Swamp Sparrow     X

Northern Cardinal     X

Indigo Bunting     X

Red-winged Blackbird     X

Eastern Meadowlark     X

Common Grackle     X

Brown-headed Cowbird     X

Baltimore Oriole     X

House Finch     X

American Goldfinch     X

House Sparrow     X



Scott Franke


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  • » [wisb] Little Gull Images - Scott Franke