[wisb] Coulee Region Audubon Wyalusing field trip

  • From: "Dan Jackson" <DanJackson@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "WisBirdN" <wisbirdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 09:26:50 -0500

We held our annual Coulee Region Audubon field trip to Wyalusing on
Sunday and it turned out to be a fabulous day for birding (and later
snakes). The weather was perfect with sunshine and very little wind (for
a change).  Our group ended the day with 87 species of birds in the park
including 25 species of warblers.  A few more species were seen just
outside of the park and on the way to and from LaCrosse bringing the
total for the morning close to 100 species.

Highlights included:

Both Waterthrushes
Yellow-throated Warbler (4 heard - 1 seen at the t intersection near the
top of Long Valley Road)
Kentucky Warbler (3)
Cerulean Warbler (many)
Canada Warbler
Cape May Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackburnian Warbler
Prothonotary Warblers (a pair at the boat landing)
Gold-winged & Blue Winged Warblers
Carolina Wren
Winter Wren (2 - one seen)
Blue-headed, Red-eyed, Warbling & Yellow-throated Vireos
Both Cuckoos (Black-billed seen, Yellow-billed heard)
Ruffed Grouse (drumming)
Least, Great-crested, & Acadian Flycatchers (3)
Henslow's Sparrows (5-6)
Scarlet Tanagers (many, some very close)
Swainson's Thrush (4)

A few of us went herping after the birding group broke up.  We were able
to find 4 Black Rat Snakes, 1 juvenile Milk Snake, and 2 Prairie
Ring-neck Snakes (thanks Matt & Al).

Good Birding,

Dan Jackson
Chaseburg, Vernon County, Wisconsin
(Near LaCrosse)

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  • » [wisb] Coulee Region Audubon Wyalusing field trip - Dan Jackson