[windows2000] Re: Friday Humor: Should I Red or Should I Blue?

  • From: "Sorin Srbu" <sorin.srbu@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <windows2000@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2008 17:14:09 +0200

Mark Mahnkey <> scribbled on Monday, October 20, 2008 4:38 PM:

> Right-o, Sorin, and each state rolls differently.

Oh, man... 51 (or is it 52? 50??) states and each does it differently?

> Here in the FU-WA (feminist utopia of Washington State) not to be cornfused
> with the silly place, Washington DC, we register to vote when we get our
> drivers license (including illegal's, and others not eligible to vote).

"Illegal's" as in illegal aliens? Sounds a bit liberal. ;-)

> Elections are next Tuesday, and we can walk in to our local election place,
> and register to vote as late as today.  Just sign the form saying you are
> eligible to vote (whether you are or not) and you are good to go.
> Kinda loosey-goosey, and it is a matter of debate if folks are voting that
> should not, like convicted felons who have not completed their sentence AND

"And" what?? It ended a bit abruptly there. ;-)

With risk of being considered a troll or something, but please do enlighten
me; why shouldn't/aren't felons allowed to vote in WA, or is this a general
thing in the US?


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