Re: Python wily module

  • From: Sam Holden <sholden@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: wilyfans@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 18:57:00 +1000

Sam Holden writes:
>You can download a tarball from

Replying to myself (after all a busy list is a good list).

I just put a newer version up there, I fixed a few silly bugs and
redesigned the event callback interface to be a little more sane.

I found the need for the rework when I implemented win using the module.
You can see the code at:

Note, it's ugly python, since I translated directly from a C program
which I don't understand (I know nothing about termios stuff and ioctls
and so on) but it's only a couple of hundred lines long (including a
long docstring/comment - containing perverted English due to me
rewording a sentence and not removing one word - and I can't be bothered
retaring and signing), the "automatic" memory handling of python cut the
code down significantly from the C version (though I suspect I lost a
lot of portability by ignoring all the system specific code).

Still haven't put anything except 'win' under a license :(

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