[vi-android] Anotheer question regarding using a keyboard

  • From: Glenn <glennervin@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <vi-android@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jun 2014 22:05:12 -0500

I asked this earlier, and maybe nobody knows, as in how I asked my question.
Perhaps someone here can try with a wireless keyboard, and see if from the 
home screen, you can use first-letter navigation for turning TalkBack on.
And if so, what are the key sequences?
Something like:
for settings, accessibility, and then TalkBack.
I am guessing at the steps, as I still don't know Android, since I have not 
gotten the Galaxy S3 talking.
And do you need to press that home key to get to the home screen?
Also, like in IOS, can one use a SIRI like feature to get TalkBack going?
Thanks for any help, I'm really stuck here.

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