[ussgeorgetown] Moving Day by Senek Menkara, Joshua & Zachary Garrity, & Johnathan Hale

  • From: TKilyle@xxxxxxx
  • To: ussgeorgetown@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 19:02:27 EDT

Senek knew he ought to go back to Sick Bay and see Dr. Michaels but there 
were certain things that, to him, were more important than his own personal 
agenda.  After his duty shift, which had included gently prodding Nan about the 
transporters, he returned to his quarters.  Perhaps, he told himself, I should 
say 'our' quarters now since I've come to specifically move things for Zachary.

He would never admit to anyone, except maybe Nan, but it seemed to him that 
he was mistakenly given the suite with the extra bedroom on purpose.  Whose 
purpose, he didn't know but he didn't believe the universe and the One had a 
hands off approach.  He mused on all of that while he moved the few things he 
stored in the other bedroom.  There was no reason to keep the guitar in there 
or the k'thyra.  Those he hung on the wall in the living area, within easy 
reach.  Finally satisfied that he removed all his things, which were mostly the 
instruments and data solids of music, out of the room, he looked around the 
common area.  Gently tingling chimes and the spicy scent of T'LingShar made 
incense completed a picture of peace.

 Hale escorted the yungun there, keeping a hand on his shoulder in case the 
older boy decided they should try to bolt again rather than be separated even 
this far. He'd tried to talk to them, but only the younger'd been very 
receptive so far. Ringing the chime, he waited there, noting the rigidity of 
the boys 
stance, and the nervousness so clear in his eyes.

Senek took the few easy strides to the door and opened it, again doing so 
himself rather than have the computer do it.  He didn't quite smile--that being 
rather rare thing for him--but he nodded to the three and held out a hand to 
invite them in.

"Please, come in.  Zachary, yours will be the second bedroom.  I've cleaned 
it out but if you happen upon any data solids, they are most likely some of my 
compositions.  Captain...Joshua, may I offer you something to drink or to 
eat?" he asked.  He was not used to having visitors in his cabin but they were 
unwelcome and he wanted them to be at ease.

"Thanks, son. Coffee'd be good about now," Hale answered as he found himself 
a seat. Realizing Josh was neither moving nor responding, instead remaining 
just inside the doorway, watching Zack from there, he added," Might bring the 
boy a cup if you've got it, too." 

Zachary, for his part, was looking around in awe at Senek's belongings. "I 
bet Josh could play these, couldn't you Josh? He's good at music. He sings." He 
told Senek, his voice filled with pride.

Senek was well aware of the Human fondness for coffee.  He couldn't take the 
stuff himself but he knew how to set it out.  He set two mugs out on the 
common area table.  He offered Josh a nod.

"You are welcome to try any of the instruments I have here, Joshua.  They are 
all gifts or heirlooms but that should not keep you from playing.  My 
father," he said as he nodded toward the holos on the desk, "is fond of saying 
don't get to be heirlooms unless they are used."

"Is a voice like that, too, Master Senek?" Zack asked impishly. "Should not 
one be used and shared as well?" He almost laughed at the look Josh gave him, 
knowing that he was treading dangerously to egg him on right now when he was so 
very moody, but he couldn't resist. 

Not about to tread into what looked to be a familial 'discussion', Senek 
nodded and pointed to one of the signs on the wall, which read--Voice is the 
instrument created by God.  

"It is a good thing to share gifts," he said simply.  

He didn't know who was more surprised, the boys and Captain Hale, or himself, 
as he offered them the first stanza of a favorite song.  He had a warm, rich 
voice that seemed like it could smooth any rough waters:Morning has broken, 
like the first morning, Blackbird has spoken, like the first bird, Praise for 
the singing, praise for the morning' Praise for the springing fresh from the 
word.  He offered them an apologetic shrug.

"A song I was taught as a child," he said simply.

Josh nodded his understanding. "That was beautiful," Zack told him, smiling. 
"Josh remembers one from before. At least, we think it's from before. There 
wasn't any music where we were but that one when he sang it to me. He used to 
sing it when I would become too frightened." Ashamedly, he admitted, "It 
happened a lot. Not him, though. He was never scared." 

Josh shook his head, looking at his boot tops. It wasn't true. He was always 
scared. Even now. Hale cast him a knowing glance, though he seemed not to 

Disregarding the captain a moment, Senek leaned down slightly closer to Zack, 
knowing Josh could hear him, too.  "There is no shame in fear, Zachary.  Even 
Vulcans get afraid though they may not show it."  Straightening, even while 
rubbing the back of his somewhat achy neck, he said, in a normal tone," My 
parents taught us songs and music in many cultures so I was exposed to more 
just Vulcan things growing up.  My father is from Egypt, on Earth."

"I've been there!" Zack told him excitedly. "Uncle took me there when Josh 
was on the Eagle. We visited a lot of places." He frowned a moment. "I'm not 
sure where our father was from." He looked at Josh, "Do you remember?"

Josh gave the slightest shake of his head, sipping his coffee. He had no 
memory of their father, though at times he thought he could almost remember a 
woman who might have been their mother. Almost. A voice, an accent, a certain 
phrase. The song he sang to calm Zack's fears. Somehow, though, it always 
him. Shaking his head again, he turned from them, turning his attention to the 
various instruments instead.

"If my father should ever call when I am not in, you are certainly welcome to 
talk to him, Zachary.  Believe me, he won't mind.  He teaches music and Earth 
cultural history.  He and Mother had this chess set made for me as an Academy 
graduation gift.  If you look closely, the pieces are Egyptian gods and 

Zachary examined each piece carefully, then motioned for Josh to do the same. 
Hesitantly, Josh stepped further into the room to stand next to his brother, 
looking dutifully at each piece in turn as Zack held them up and described to 
him which God or Goddess he supposed them to be. John watched the two, his 
boys, closely, heartbroken by the sudden distance between him and the eldest. 
seemed that, though they were near enough to physically reach out and touch, 
they were somehow well beyond his reach.

Senek was rather grateful for the control that logic afforded him or he 
believed that he would have felt a bit melancholy at watching the brothers.  He 
missed his sister still.  Rubbing at the aching small of his back, he 
a sigh.  How did I ever get involved in this?  I cannot allow more people to 
be hurt by my own genetics.  He glanced at the captain.  That's why, you fool.  
Because if it were your father wanting his children together, you'd do 
anything in the world.

"Well, I suppose we ought to head on out, boy. Let these two roomies get 
aquatinted without our interference. You think?" Hale offered heartily, though 
knew without question Josh wouldn't answer him. He didn't even look at him. 
The halfhearted shrug was the best he'd get. Likely the best he'd get for a 
while. Suddenly, they were back to where they'd started when he'd first brought 
him from the mines, with all the apprehension and distrust that implied.

Senek waited until he was sure he knew Josh was looking at him or at least 
paying attention.  "You have my word, still, Joshua Garrity.  I will do for 
brother what I could not do for my sister.  I promise," he said simply, using 
the melodic Arabic his father occasionally used. 

Josh hesitated only a fraction of a second before nodding his ascent. 
Alright, then. What choice did he have? Zack looked at him intently his moving 
calm to concern then back to calm as Josh shook his head. Josh shrugged again, 
sighing, then without a word, or even a glance toward Hale, he left.

"I'm sorry, sir," Senek said to Hale, "but you will be welcomed here in any 
case."  To Zack he gave a slight nod and, in what passed for a mischievous tone 
for him, he said, "Zachary, this will not excuse you from your duties 
but...welcome to your new home."
Zack smiled broadly at that, not missing Senek's tone. "Thank you, son," Hale 
acknowledged distractedly. "I do appreciate it. No offense, but it's not here 
I'm worried about right at the moment." He hesitated only a moment longer 
before deciding it was time for him and the boy to talk it out. He winked at 
Zack, ruffling his hair as he passed him on the way out and said. "You behave 
yourself now, yung'un. I'll see you later."  
"Yes, sir," Zack responded, smoothing his hair back into place and trying 
hard to look annoyed at the gesture despite his smile.

Senek controlled a smile and turned away.  He was thirty-one years old and 
his father still did the same thing to him--or tried to.  He sat back on the 
common room's couch in a decidedly relaxed pose, his long legs stretched out in 
front of him, then kicked off his boots.

"Much better," he said aloud with an almost audible sigh.  There wasn't one 
joint in his body that wasn't aching or outright hurting but he didn't feel 
like getting up just yet to take his medication.  "Zachary, I cannot pretend to 
know what life was like for you and your brother as you grew up except to say I 
know it was certainly very different from it was for me and T'Kay.  What I do 
understand is that bond that exists between you and Joshua.  You heard the 
promise that I made to him but I would like another one from you."

"A promise, sir?" Zack asked, sounding worried and more than a little wary. 
"What sort of promise?"

Too tired to worry that he was displaying emotion, Senek shook his head then 
waved his dismissively.  "It isn't what you think. Zachary.  It's truly rather 
simple.  I know that Joshua is your brother and I know that he would rather 
die than see you separated but...please, if it ever comes to a point that he 
thinks you need to run off again, come to me.  Both of you.  I'll help you 
however I can.  Believe me, I'm a lot more than musically talented."

Zack considered that a moment. It seemed a reasonable enough request. "Okay. 
I can promise that."

He didn't know if it would surprise the boy or not and he didn't particularly 
care at the moment.  Senek simply smiled and said, "Good."

"Good," Zack agreed, returning the smile he would never comment upon as he 
settled himself on the floor nearby, placing the chess game between them. 
or white?" 

He hadn't played with that set in years, not even with Nan.  The boy couldn't 
possibly know.  There was no logical way to explain his hesitancy away so he 
carefully lowered himself to the floor and picked up the white queen. 

Other related posts:

  • » [ussgeorgetown] Moving Day by Senek Menkara, Joshua & Zachary Garrity, & Johnathan Hale