<USS Eagle> Sim log/recap 061018

  • From: Lukas <CaptFyrstk@xxxxxxx>
  • To: usseagle@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2006 13:34:15 -0400

Sim notes:

Okay, crew.  We left off with some interesting information. I hope to see some thoughtful posts this week from EVERYONE.

Nuff said.

Sim recap
"Genesis Discovery"
Officers present: Commodore Fyrstk, Lt. Commanders Lost, Haas & Dr. Hamza, Lt. Matsu, Dr. Melody (Lt.jg, A-Ensign Fyrstk
Officers absent: Commander Marqusa, Ltjg Obrian
NPCs used: Lt Vanik (Haas), Cadet Wren (Lost)
Stardate: supplemental

The team of Commander Lost and Dr. Hamza beam over to the disabled ship to check on injuries.  A-Ensign Fyrstk transports them to a corridor just outside the area where he detects the lifesigns.  A huddled mass of injured are found and treatment is started. 

An interesting amount of protomatter is found in the whole area of space.  Lt/ Matsu also detects a class-M planet where there once was not.  She arrives at the conclusrion that a Genesis Device type explosion has occured.

End recap

JPEG image

CommoLukasFyrstk:  that's good.ATTENTION ON DECK
ltyoshikomatsu: ::AA::
T L Lost: ::AA::
ltjgmelody: ::AA::
RomnHaas: ::AA::
Malachi Styles: ::AA::
CommoLukasFyrstk: Captain's Log, Stardate supplemental
CommoLukasFyrstk: We have retrieved the odies and wreckage from a small ship 
that was unlucky enough to be in this system when the planet exploded.
CommoLukasFyrstk: AS to the caue of the explosion, we do not yet know
CommoLukasFyrstk: Commander Lost is off with the Falcon investigating another 
distress call we had received via lower band transmissions.
CommoLukasFyrstk: Hopefully they will be more successful in fahnding survahvors.
*** ltteboktrkhev has joined the chat.
*** ltteboktrkhev has left the chat.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> +[CENG]+  Rommie, let me know when you have things secure 
down there.
RomnHaas: CENG>+[CO}+  Things are secure, Captain.  We can move on.
ltjgmelody: AMO>::Has the sad task of removing the bodies from the hull of the 
ship and putting them in the ships morgue.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+[CENG]+  Acknowledged.  Thank you, Commander.  [OPS]  
Cadet.  Keep scanning the frequency bands.
T L Lost: WREN: OPS>  Aye, sir.  Scanning.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> ::Tries to cut through the inference to try to determin 
what caused the explosion.::
T L Lost: AXO> ::Beams over to the troubled ship with the doctor::
*** ltteboktrkhev has joined the chat.
ltteboktrkhev: [And there we go]
T L Lost: ((Doctor, you and I have beamed over tot he wrecked ship.))
ltteboktrkhev: [right. got it]
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>::Beamed over to the wrecked ship::
Malachi Styles: @SCI> ::keeping an eye on the away team. ::
T L Lost: @AXO> Ratch.  According to Malachi, they should be in this room. 
:Points to a door near them::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[HELM] Mr. Vanik.  PLot a course for the Falcon's 
location.  Best speed.
RomnHaas: Vanik: HELM>  Aye, sir.  ::Plots the course and engages::
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>Right. Lets go
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [CSCI]  ::walks over to the science console::  Yoshi?  
Anything to indicate what happened in this system yet?
T L Lost: AXO> ::enters the room cautiously::
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION:  The Falcon away team finds a rom full of huddled 
people. Many with serious injuries.::
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> No sir. The iterference is not letting me get any sort of 
a reading.
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>Lets get this door open shall we
RomnHaas: CENG> ::starts going over the wreckage, looking for some kind of data 
from the ship remains.::
T L Lost: AXO> ::Forces the door open::
ltjgmelody: AMO>+Bridge+ Sir all the bodies are secure. The cause of death for 
most of them was axphiation. Some died from wounds sustained.
Malachi Styles: @SCI> +[Eagle]+  Falcon to Eagle.  Come in.
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>::She followed after Lost into the room, looking 
about, on her guard, something just not feeling right. after all they werent 
the Enterprise who always seemed to survive everything. Other ship officers 
T L Lost: WREN: OPs>  Captain.  The Falcon is calling
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [OPS]  Onscreen, Cadet.
T L Lost: Wren: OPS> ::Puts the transmission onscreen::
Malachi Styles: SCI> +[Eagle]+  Captain.  We have found some survivors on the 
other ship.  Commander Lost and Dr. Hamza are over there now.
Malachi Styles: @SCI>+[Eagle]+  I have found some interesting data that I think 
Lt Matsu should look at.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Raises a brow, then looks over to Yoshi::
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>+SCI+ Send it over Malsan I shall look at it.
T L Lost: @AXO> ::Sees all the huddled people.:: Ratch!  Over here!
Malachi Styles: SCI>+[CSCI]+  Sir.  Scan the space around you.  I am finding 
unbelieveable amounts of protomatter particles.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>::Recalabrates the sensors for protomatter.::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Watched Matsu work.::
RomnHaas: CENG> ::Finds a data terminal.  Adds power to see if the computer is 
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>::She hurried forward towards Lost, reaching into 
her medical kit to examine the survivors. It was startling and not pleasant:: 
What happened here?
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>There is an unusally high amount of protmatter the debris.
T L Lost: @AXO> It would be my guess that they couldn't avoid the shock wave 
from the explosion.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ]CSCI] Proto-matter? What could it mean?
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO> But . . . ::shakes her head:: I would rather have 
everyone taken to sickbay once I get them stabilized and all
T L Lost: @AXO>  I'll check with Mal to see where the Eagle is.
ltteboktrkhev: [foot asleep -- agony -- owie!]
CommoLukasFyrstk: ACTION::  Yoshi's scanners show a class-M planet where there 
once wasn't one.::
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>Right-oh. And then if you have some first aid 
experience try to help out so we can get off here sooner eh
T L Lost: @AXO>+[SCI]  Lost to Falcon.  Mal you read?
*** Holo Remus Lupin has joined the chat.
*** Holo Remus Lupin has left the chat.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> Sorry it took me so long sir. I was scanning for 
something and I think I found it. There is an M Class planet at these 
coordinates. All this protomatter and the apperence of a planet where there 
shouldn't be could only mean
ltyoshikomatsu: one thing sir. Someone used a Genesis Device.
Malachi Styles: @SCI>::Leaving the comm link open tot he Eagle, answers Lost.:: 
+[AXO]+  Falcon here.  Go ahead, sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[CSCI]  Used a what, Lieutenant?
T L Lost: @AXO>+[SCI]+  Mal?  Can you find out the status of the Eagle?  We 
realy need their sickbay.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> A Genesis Device. It's a tereforming device that is 
suppose to take dead planets and transform them into habitable worlds. But they 
are highly unstable.
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>::She nelt beside the worst of the injured first, 
giving them in turn emergency medical treatment to stabilize them. It wasnt 
just she liked sickbay better but she wanted to get them away from here. They
ltteboktrkhev: probably needed to get away after what had happened here::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::turns to the screen, hearing Lost's question:: We're on 
our way to you now, Son.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> First encountered by Captian James T Kirk's Enterprise.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[CSCI]  Ah know what the Genesis Devahce is, Lieutenant, 
but are you certain of your fahndings?
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>::Puts the image of the new planet on the screen.:: Yes 
T L Lost: @AXO>+[SCI]+  I copied that, Mal.  Let me know when they arrive.  
Lost out.
T L Lost: @AXO>  Eagle is on it's way, Ratch.
Malachi Styles: SCI> ::Mentally kicks himself for missing the new class-M 
RomnHaas: CENG+[CO]+  Captain.  I-I have acccessed the ship's logs.  I am bring 
them up to the bridge.  You shhould see this.
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>Brilliant. Now you see to that chaps burns over 
there. And I will work on this woman here
T L Lost: @AXO>  Right. :Moves over to the burn victim. ::  How would you like 
me to stabilize him?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+[CENG]+ Okay, Rommie.  Good work.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[CSCI]  Gather any sensor readings you can on this, 
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> Yes sir.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> Sir should I send a probe to the new planet?
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>[CSCI] Good ahdea.
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>MAke them comfortable. Here ::tosses a hypo 
towards him:: Painkiller. Start running a regenerator over the burns
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>Um..Maxsan since you are hanging around in the science 
console could you prep a probe for planetary scan.
RomnHaas: CENG> ::enters the bridge:: [CO]  S-sir.  I was looking over the 
ship's logs.  They were on approach to the planet when their sensors detected a 
strange energy reading coming from the planet.
ltyoshikomatsu: MAX> Will do. 
RomnHaas: CENG> ::Hands the PADD to Lukas with the energy reading on it.::
ltyoshikomatsu: MAX> Probe ready for launch.
T L Lost: @AXO> ::Catches the hypo and the regenerator.  Starts to work on the 
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>::Launches probe.:: Probe away sir.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> ::Looks at the PADD. Takes it over to Yoshi.::  Lt.  
Compare this to data fahles on the Genesis Devahce.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci>Yes sir.::Takes the PADD and looks over the data.::
RomnHaas: CENG>  Genesis???  Th-that life from death thing that didn't work?
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> {CEng} Yes
Malachi Styles: @SCI>+[CENG]+  It worked Commander. All too well.
RomnHaas: CENG> ::Looks up at the sound of Mal's voice, then over to the 
screen.::  Oh.  Hello, Mal.
ltyoshikomatsu: CSci> If it works like the historical one the planet won't last.
RomnHaas: Vanik: HELM> Captain.  We are approaching the Falcon.
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>Excellent. Good. Thank you ::sighs::
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO> [OPS]  Cadet.  Contact Commander Lost.  Let him know we 
have arrahved.
T L Lost: Wren: OPS> Aye, sir.  +[AXO]+  Eagle to Commander Lost.
T L Lost: @AXO>+[Eagle]+ Lost here.
T L Lost: Wren: OPS>  +[AXO]+ Commander.  We have arrived.  What assistance do 
you need?
T L Lost: @AXO>+[OPS]+  Stand by, Cadet.  [CMO]  Ratch?  How do you want to 
handle it?
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet><CMO>If we can beam the most serious first directly to 
sickbay and then the rest afterwards? ::looking up from a patient::
T L Lost: @AXO> You tell me which ones.
Malachi Styles: @SCI>+[Eagle]+  Permission to bring the Falcon back aboard, 
ltteboktrkhev: @Ratchet>::points out five patients in turn:: Them please.
CommoLukasFyrstk: CO>+[SCI]+  Permission granted, Mal.  Bring her in.
RomnHaas: CENG>+SCI]+  Watch out for the wreckae on the shuttle deck, Mal.
Malachi Styles: @sci> +[ceng]+ tHANK YOU, SIR.  i WILL.
CommoLukasFyrstk: pause sim

Respectfully submitted.
Luksa Fyestk, Commodore
Commanding USS Eagle

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  • » <USS Eagle> Sim log/recap 061018