[ur-qrp-c] Fwd: [epc_ukraine] Digifest 2012

  • From: Volodymyr UR3QJW <ur3qjw@xxxxxxx>
  • To: ur-qrp-c@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 May 2012 19:26:29 +0300

-------- Ïî÷àòêîâå ïîâ³äîìëåííÿ --------
Òåìà:   [epc_ukraine] Digifest 2012
Äàòà:   Tue, 29 May 2012 11:56:36 +0300
³ä:    Andy Pomazov <ur3ltd@xxxxxxx>
³äïîâ³ñòè:     epc_ukraine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Îðãàí³çàö³ÿ:    Pomaz
Êîìó:   epc_ukraine <epc_ukraine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Çäðàâñòâóéòå, epc_ukraine.

This is a friendly reminder to those who love exotic digital modes and/or still 
don?t have nice RigExpert Antenna Analyzer :-).
The Annual Digifest will be held as usual on the 1st  full weekend of June 
(2012 dates are June 2nd  and 3rd ).
This is going to be Digifest?s 5th year and its popularity is growing with last 
year?s received LOGs number of more than 200.
Peculiarity of this Contest is the great variety of different categories of the 
participants in 5 digital modes: RTTY 75, BPSK 63, MFSK 16, HELLSCHREIBER, 
and the most fair points calculation based on the distance between the stations.
The Contest consists of 3 convenient periods (8 hours each) during the weekend.
To add more adrenalin into this competition a special feature will be offered 
to those who like competing in real time ? online results will be presented on 
a server.
And, of course, a lot of real nice prizes, mostly RigExpert AA-230 and AA-30 
Antenna Analyzers and RigExpert USB Interfaces. All prizes sponsored by 
RigExpert Ukraine Ltd.
Since the number of the participants is relatively small and the most populated 
competing area is Europe, the ?far away? stations from NA, SA, Africa, Asia and 
Australia are at great advantage.
> From the last years? experience those stations were the most prize winners. 
> Considering this and also to support growing participation from Europe,
the sponsors ?double? the prizes ? i.e. separate main prizes are now available 
both for Europe and for the ?rest of the World?.
But wait, that?s not all! For those of you who won?t be able to win ?main 
prize? in respected category, there will be a lot of  small gifts, like 
T-shirts and paper awards.
All the prizes will be mailed to participants? home addresses.
The results are usually available just 2 weeks after the end of the Contest,
So, lets just meet on the 1st weekend of  June and have fun!
Complete rules can be found at http://www.mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/index.html
and   http://www.rigexpert.com/index?s=main&f=digifest end http://ut7fp.kiev.ua

Òåì, êòî ëþáèò ðåäêèå öèôðîâûå âèäû ñâÿçè è ó êîãî åùå íåò õîðîøåãî àíòåííîãî 
àíàëèçàòîðà :-), íàïîìèíàåì î âåñåëîì ìåðîïðèÿòèè ïîä íàçâàíèåì DigiFest
(1-st full Weekend of June every year). Â ýòîì ãîäó îí áóäåò ïðîõîäèòü óæå 5-é 
ãîä, ïîïóëÿðíîñòü åãî ðàñòåò è êîëè÷åñòâî îò÷åòîâ óæå ïðåâûñèëî 200.
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75, BPSK 63, MFSK 16, HELLSCHREIBER, OLIVIA è «ñàìîå ñïðàâåäëèâîå»
íà÷èñëåíèå î÷êîâ ? çà ðàññòîÿíèå ìåæäó êîððåñïîíäåíòàìè. Êîíòåñò ïðîõîäèò â 3 
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?ðåàëüíûõ? ïðèçîâ, à èìåííî, àíòåííûå àíàëèçàòîðû ÀÀ-230, ÀÀ-30 è USB 
èíòåðôåéñû RE Standard ïðîèçâîäñòâà ñïîíñîðà êîíòåñòà êîìïàíèè
Rig Expert Ukraine Ltd. Ïîñêîëüêó êîëè÷åñòâî ó÷àñòíèêîâ ïîêà åùå îòíîñèòåëüíî 
íåâåëèêî, ïðåèìóùåñòâî â íàáîðå î÷êîâ èìåþò óäàëåííûå îò îñíîâîíîãî
êîíòèíãåíòà ó÷àñòíèêîâ ñòàíöèè èç NA è SA, Asia, Australia etc. Êàê ïîêàçàë 
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æäóò óòåøèòåëüíûå òðîôåè ? Ò-shirts è ëàìèíèðîâàííûå áóìàæíûå äèïëîìû. Âñå 
ïðèçû, òðîôåè è äèïëîìû ðàññûëàþòñÿ ïî ïî÷òå íà äîìàøíèå àäðåñà
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ïîñëå îêîí÷àíèÿ êîíòåñòà. Èòàê, äî âñòðå÷è â òåñòå 2-ãî è 3-ãî èþíÿ.
Ïîëíîå ïîëîæåíèå ìîæíî ïðî÷èòàòü íà ñàéòàõ ñïîíñîðîâ 
è http://www.rigexpert.com/index?s=main&f=digifest è http://ut7fp.kiev.ua

Ñ óâàæåíèåì,
Àíäðåé Ïîìàçîâ
/  Andy  Pomazov  /                         mailto:UR3LTD@xxxxxxx

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