[UHNA] FW: CUF meeting reminder 071911

  • From: "Cindy Summers" <csummers@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: <uhna@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2011 09:19:19 -0400

Please come to the CUF meeting tonight. Attached is some other interesting
information and a copy of the newsletter.



From: Neel, Robert (neelrt) [mailto:neelrt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Monday, July 18, 2011 6:47 AM
To: undisclosed-recipients:
Subject: CUF meeting reminder 071911


CUF meeting July 19, 2011 


See everyone there! Don?t forget elections are this month so come early to






CITIZEN ALERT from Officer Lisa Johnson

Deceptive door-to-door magazine sales crews 

The Cincinnati Police Department would like to warn residents of deceptive
door-to-door magazine sales crews are in the City of Cincinnati looking to
earn a quick buck this summer.

Crews have been on the east side of town going door-to-door soliciting funds
under the guise that proceeds would go to local charities. A check with two
of these charities reveals they have no working relationship with
out-of-town magazine groups.

The typical sales representative approachs residents and explain they are
from New Orleans or some other region recently hit by a natural disaster.
The sales person then goes on to push you to buy magazines by cash or check
and issue you a handwritten receipt.

Salespeople are typically transported to neighborhoods in vans and work in
teams to canvas the neighborhood during afternoon and dinner hours. Once
they make their sales, checks are cashed and they leave town.

Information from the Better Business Bureau indicates:

In the last 12 months alone, BBB has received 1,100 complaints from
consumers in 46 states and the District of Columbia against more than 50
companies that are selling magazines door-to-door.

Many of these companies employ crews of high school and college-age people
who are trying to earn money over the summer. These crews are sent to
communities to knock on doors and sell magazines?sometimes without
appropriate licensing. In the sales pitch, the representative might explain
they are working to help get their lives back on track, raising money on
behalf of a charity or for a school trip or even selling subscriptions to
support troops in Iraq.

?Because sales representatives are typically high school or college-age,
victims readily believe the potentially fictitious sales pitch and often pay
several hundred dollars for the subscriptions by personal check given
directly to the sales reps,? said Steve Cox, BBB spokesperson. ?Most
complaints against such companies allege that sales reps took their check
and the magazines never arrived, however, some complainants also allege
being subjected to high-pressure and misleading sales tactics.?





Dear Community Council Leader,


I?m proposing a change to the city charter to increase the length of council
terms from 2 to 4 years.  The 8 year term limit will remain.   I believe
this change will lead to better public service, giving council members time
to tackle important and complex issues without the distraction of running
for re-election every other year. 


There is a public hearing on this proposed charter change on Monday, July
25th at 4:00 PM in Room 312 (Committee Room B) of City Hall.  Please come if
you can and share your opinions.  Whether or not you are able to attend the
public hearing, I would appreciate a sentence or two of support for this
change from you and/or your community council, if you agree it is in the
best interest of good government. Please feel free to email that feedback to
me at laure.quinlivan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 


The charter amendment is attached, along with support I?ve gathered for this
change so far.  It will need 6 council members to approve the change to get
it on the ballot, and then would begin with the 2013 elections.


Thank you!


Council Member Laure Quinlivan






CUF membership 
Any person subscribing to the purpose of the CUF Neighborhood Association,
Inc. and paying dues set by the Association may become a member. Election of
Trustees is held at the annual meeting in July. Eligible voters are
residents of the community who are at least 18 years of age and who are
fully paid members of the Association and who have at¬tended three general
meetings after payment of dues during the year prior to the annual meeting.
Non-res¬ident members have voice but no vote in Association meetings and may
not hold elective office. Annual CUF dues are $6.00.
CUF general meetings: 
3rd Tuesday of each month, except August and De¬cember, 7:30 pm, Deaconess
Hospital Cafeteria, 311 Straight Street
CUF Trustee meetings: 
1st Tuesday of each month, 7:00 pm, Deaconess Hospital Cafeteria, 311
Straight Street
CUF annual meeting and election: 
3rd Tuesday in July, 7:30 pm, Deaconess Hospital Cafeteria, 311 Straight

Phone: ( ) 
Membership Type:
Voting Membership: CUF resident _______________
Non-Voting Membership:  ______________
CUF organization CUF business owner   ______________
Non-resident  _____________
Non-resident property owner ______________

Membership Fee: $6.00 per year. 
Make checks payable to CUFNA.
You can bring your check to the next meeting or you can mail it to:

CUF Neighborhood Association 
2364 West McMicken Avenue, 
Cincinnati, Ohio 45214

Other related posts:

  • » [UHNA] FW: CUF meeting reminder 071911 - Cindy Summers