[uae] Re: SDL and Vsync

  • From: fari mueller <farimueller@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2006 11:18:49 +0100 (CET)

> You have to be root (or setuid the uae binary) for
> dga to actually take 
> effect.  Also, you need to request a hardware
> surface, and possibly 
> double-buffer mode.  And it generally only works in
> fullscreen mode.

I've taken all this into account and I get a
fullscreen picture which looks absolutely OK as long
as nothing moves. If something starts to move the
lowest 20% of the screen start to flicker white and
the whole stuff slows down dramatically.

> There are quite a few drawbacks to getting faster
> speed/less tearing by 
> using DGA.  The better overall solution is to use
> OpenGL, which uses 
> the 3D hardware of a video card.
> Steve

I know about the limitations but XMame works quite OK
with DGA. May be OpenGL is the way to go for the
future, but I think a quick fix for E-UAE should also
be possible to get rid of the tearing.
By the way, does the 3D hardware really improve the
speed when the emulated system is 2D based like the
amiga was?


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