[uae] Re: 'New' bsdsocket emulation (was Re: A bit of static/extern problems with GNU GCC 4.0.0)

  • From: Richard Drummond <evilrich@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: uae@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 14 Jun 2005 07:28:29 -0500

On Monday 13 June 2005 02:16 pm, anarkhos@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> I wouldn't call FAT binaries much of an advantage.

Unless you are making a transition from PPC to x86. ;-)

> Personally I think 
> they should have stuck with CFM, but then I'm not Steve.

Nah. They should have gone ELF like the rest of the Unix world.

> Wouldn't it be better with some kind of shared memory scheme where
> the native code behaves like some kind of callback...oh who am I
> kidding. You're more in the know with respect to these issues than I
> am :)

The problem is how to call an AmigaOS routine from the emulator code, for 
example, how would you call exec's AllocMem() function to allocate Amiga 
memory? In essence it's just like doing a jump to a routine, but it's 
complicated by the fact that you want to do it in the middle of a block of 
host code. How do you exit from the AmigaOS routine, capture the return 
value, and resume executing your host code?

The solution at the moment is the swap-stack-magic thing, which is incredibly 
convoluted, inelegant and non-portable.

> Well things seem to be pretty stable now... ;)


> I've gotten to the point where I can create a window, draw in it, put
> a custom control over the title bar, handle click, keyboard, and menu
> events:

Progress! :-)

Is Qemu working with this yet?


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