[triadtechtalk] OT Friday humor

  • From: <budge@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "triadtechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <triadtechtalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 08:57:17 -0700

Only for clean minds...  

Third Grade

A first grade teacher was having trouble with one of her students.  The teacher 
asked, "Harry what is your problem?" 

Harry said, "I'm too smart for the first grade. My sister is in third grade and 
I'm smarter than she is! I think I should be in the third grade too!" She took 
Harry to the principal's office. While Harry waited in the outer office, the 
teacher explained the problem to the principal. The principal told the teacher 
he would give the boy a test and if he failed to answer any of his questions he 
was to go back to the first grade and behave. The teacher agreed.  Harry was 
brought in and the conditions are explained to him and he agrees to take the 

Principal: "What is 3 x 3?" 

Harry: "9."

Principal: "What is 6 x 6?" 

Harry: "36."

And so it went with every question the principal asked. The principal looked at 
the teacher and said, "I think Harry can go to the third grade."

The teacher says to the principal, "Let me ask him some questions."  The 
principal and Harry both agree.

The teacher asks, "What does a cow have four of that I have only two of?" 
Harry, after a moment, "Legs."

"What is in your pants that you have but I do not have?"

The principal's eyes open really wide and before he could stop the answer, 
Harry replied, "Pockets."

"What does a dog do on three legs that a man stands to do?"

"Shakes hands"

"What word starts with an 'F' and ends in 'K' that means a lot of excitement?" 


The principal breathed a sigh of relief and told the teacher, "Put Harry in the 
fifth grade, I missed the last four questions myself."

Global Virtual Desktop


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