[torontocbm] Re: Paradroid.

  • From: Leif Bloomquist <leif@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: torontocbm@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 08:22:59 -0500

Golan Klinger wrote:

Do I have anything new and exciting to look forward to or is it just
one identical ship after another? I should have left well enough

Well, the ship names get wackier and wackier, that's all that changes :-) Plus it does get more challenging in that the droids are more powerful.

I would love to see some kind of level editor for Paradroid, that would be cool.

This reminds me - at the last TPUG meeting we were talking about "Doom as a System Administration Tool" for Linux. Here's the website:


We also joked about how Paradroid could be adapted for this on the C64. (not sure what that would mean :)


-- Leif Bloomquist leif(at)schemafactor(dot)com ICQ# 10360135


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