[TN-Bird] Six year old spots Sora at Duck River unit TN NWR

  • From: Shawna Ellis <yodergoat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: Tn Bird List <tn-bird@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2012 20:56:28 -0500

Duck River Bottoms Unit of TN National Wildlife Refuge
Humphrey's County

After reading a couple of recent accounts from Clayton Ferrell and
Terry Witt about Sora at the Duck River unit of the TN NWR, we went
looking for them. They are a bird we still needed for our Tennessee

We drove slowly around Blue Goose Boulevard interpretive drive, where
they had been seen and heard recently.  We parked and lingered on the
back side of the loop, having a "car picnic" and listening for the
Sora to call. After about 20 minutes we heard our first, and then we
began to hear them in abundance. It took us a while to pin one down,
but my husband spotted one and we finally caught a brief glimpse.
Shortly afterward, I heard one calling nearby and spotted it at closer
range. But beating us both was our 6 year old daughter, Gail, who
spied one hiding quietly in heavy vegetation. She not only spotted the
hidden bird, but was also able to describe to us to its location so we
could eventually see it as well. This bird soon walked/ran hesitantly
out into some open stretches of water and I was able to take a few
fast photographs (one is in attachment). "Her" Sora gave us the best
views of the day. If she sticks with it, she will some day be better
than both of us!

Also seen were the normal mix of common shorebirds and waders
(including at least 3 dozen Great Egrets just on the Blue Goose loop).

We were a little surprised to see a lingering female Bufflehead as
well two male and a few female Ring-neck Ducks.

On our drive out, we saw another Sora feeding in a pool from the main
road and got a nice look at a Horned Lark.

The woods on the trail to the Pintail Point observation area were full
of singing Prothonotary Warblers, and many Northern Parula were heard,
but there was very little migrant songbird activity.

Shawna Ellis
Paris, Henry County, TN

Attachment: sora2.jpg
Description: JPEG image

Other related posts:

  • » [TN-Bird] Six year old spots Sora at Duck River unit TN NWR - Shawna Ellis