<TW>Weekend of 20 and 21 March 2010

  • From: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "Fr. Pat Umberger" <frpat@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 10:49:21 -0600

.=:  T H I S    W E E K E N D  :=.
     from Father Pat Umberger


P A R I S H    M I S S I O N    S T A R T S    T O D A Y !
Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP - S. Annie Willits, OP, 13-17 March 2010 Join us if
you can, for our 2010 Lenten Mission.  It starts with preaching at this
weekend's Masses.  Then there will be presentations at morning Masses at 8
a.m. Monday and 8:30 on Tuesday and Wednesday. Evening sessions are at 7
p.m. Monday-Wednesday. Fr. Jim is a noted musician, composer and conductor.
Our Mission will feature Fr. Jim's compositions. The last night will feature
music, prayer, and Fr. Jim on jazz clarinet and saxophone.  There's more
information on our Parish Web Site, www.stpatz.com. Or, become a fan of St.
Patz Lenten Mission on Facebook.

I R E L A N D    2 0 1 0
$2799 from O'Hare, $2859 from La Crosse
18-28 October 2010 - Map of trip is now at the Web Site BROCHURE & SIGN-UP
For the Itinerary for the trip. Follow the link from www.frpat.com for
details. Brochures are available at the entrances of Saint Pat's Church as
well. Hotels have been chosen and links are at the Web Site. Air Space has
now been reserved from La Crosse, WI and O'Hare Airport in Chicago. It will
be a non-stop flight on American Airlines from O'Hare to Dublin. 18 or fewer
seats from La Crosse are available. If you're interested visit my Web Site
and sign up for informational e-mails.  www.frpat.com

Become a fan of: Ireland 2010 with Fr. Pat Umberger on Facebook.

L E N T    2 0 1 0
Visit my Lent Page for good links, Reconciliation resources in English and
Spanish, and my own Stations of the Cross in English and Spanish for
children and adults and illustrated by the kids of St. Pat's School. Follow
the link from: www.frpat.com

.=:  V O L U M E   2 0 1 0 , Number 03-21 :=.

.=:  T H I S   W E E K E N D ' S   S C R I P T U R E S  :=.

Fifth Sunday of Lent, Year C.
Weekend of 20 and 21 March 2010

.=:  R E F L E C T I O N    Q U E S T I O N S  :-.

The Scriptures for this weekend are found here:

"Remember not the events of the past, the things of long ago consider not;
see, I am doing something new!"  What events of the past are best forgotten?

"The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy."  Throughout
history what are some of the things the Lord did that filled His people with
joy?  How has the Lord filled us with joy?

"I consider everything as a loss because of the supreme good of knowing
Christ Jesus my Lord."  What are some of the things we value a great deal,
but will not last?  How can the "things of the world" be a loss?

"I continue my pursuit toward the goal, the prize of God's upward calling,
in Christ Jesus."  What is God's upward calling?  If we truly followed this
calling, what changes would take place in our lives?

"Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery."
What are the most damaging things we might be accused of?  When have we
"judged" or "condemned" another because of what we have heard about them?
Because of what they have done?"

"Let the one among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at
her."  Could I throw a stone?

"Has no one condemned you?" She replied, "No one, sir." Then Jesus said,
"Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any more."  Was
Jesus too easy on this woman?  Would we be so easy on her?  What have we
done in our lives that could attract the judgment and condemnation of
others?  How important is it for us to know how compassionate and forgiving
Jesus is?

How are these Scriptures comforting?  Challenging?

.=:  S P I R I T U A L   R E F L E C T I O N   :=.

We've always done it that way.  How many times have we heard these words.
They're words that can limit our creativity.  They're words that can even
limit the work God can do in our lives.

In our Gospel reading today, the crowds bring before Jesus a woman who was
caught right in the act of adultery.  The crowds knew what was to be done.
Such women were to be stoned to death.  They made good use of her, because
they thought if they could catch Jesus in his speech, they could get rid of
him as well.  But Jesus was one step ahead of them!

Jesus just bends over and traces on the ground with his finger.  He
straightens up and says very thoughtfully, "Let the one among you who is
without sin be the first to throw a stone at her."  The ensuing scene is
wonderful.  The oldest begin to drift away, one by one.  People know their
sin.  They won't be able to pretend to be perfect.  Before long all the
people are gone.  Jesus spends a moment of great dignity with the woman,
just the two of them.

Jesus asks if no-one has condemned her.  She answers, "No one, sir."  Then
Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go, and from now on do not sin any
more."  The woman is off the hook.  The crowd is not there to humiliate her
any further.  She knows her guilt, but also the mercy of Jesus.  She leaves
in great dignity to begin to live a new kind of life.

Was Jesus too easy on her?  Would we be as forgiving of a family member,
friend or acquaintance caught in something immoral and embarrassing? Perhaps
not.  But isn't it good to know how forgiving God is?

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is a great way for us to seek the
forgiveness we need in our lives.  Let's pray for one another as we prepare
ourselves for that Sacrament.  If we've celebrated it already, let's pray
for the courage to begin a new kind of life.  God will be there to
strengthen us, every step of the way.  Have a good week!

(c)MMX Fr. Pat Umberger.  This Spiritual Reflection is found each week at
the Web Site www.frpat.com. Feel free to link to this page or reproduce them
for parish use as long as this credit remains.

<TW>This Weekend is free, and comes from:
Father Pat Umberger, a priest of the Diocese of La Crosse
in Wisconsin U.S.A.
Web Site: www.frpat.com   
Evangelization (reaching out): www.cmonback.com  

.=:  M A K E    A    D O N A T I O N ?  :=.


.=:  F O R W A R D I N G  :=.

Please leave these credits when doing so.

.=: C H A N G E  Y O U R  S U B S C R I P T I O N :=.

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You can also set your account to Vacation Mode there.   

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  • » <TW>Weekend of 20 and 21 March 2010 - Fr. Pat Umberger