[THIN] Re: Request for comments on VPN replacing Citrix

  • From: Jeff Malczewski <jmalczewski@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: "'thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 Jun 2004 10:24:37 -0400

Well, we use plain jane Terminal Services here, AND I have a VPN connection
available to me via cable modem from home.  You know what I do?  I VPN in
and then RDP into a box here to work on stuff remotely.  Even with a cable
VPN, it's just WAY faster to do the work and leave all the data local, not
to mention more secure (what if someone steals my laptop??).

VPN's are NOT the end-all-be-all.  They're nice, much faster than dialing in
via RAS, but still no where near LAN speeds (like you can get via TS or
Citrix)...  Then, there's the security, and the additional administrative
overhead, and the.....  You get the idea.

I think your CIO must've hit her head...

-----Original Message-----
From: PETERSON, DAVID [mailto:DPETERSO@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Friday, June 25, 2004 9:15 AM
To: thin@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [THIN] Request for comments on VPN replacing Citrix

We recently had an IT strategy meeting at our local Microsoft office and
our CIO announced that she envisions getting rid of Citrix and replacing
it with a VPN connection, possibly next year. I'd like to get some
general thoughts on how workable this is and if it is really a viable
replacement. I've come up with a list of items that I don't think a VPN
will do that Citrix can, but wanted input from the list.

A bit on our environment:
We are a law firm with 7 offices in 4 states. All the offices are on our
network, so they don't use Citrix in the office. Citrix is primarily
used for remote use, either at home or on the road. We also sometimes
have a trial site that uses Citrix to connect to the office. I still
have users either on dialup Internet access or directly dial into
Citrix. All of our main apps are available from Citrix, including
Office, our Document Management System, Time and Billing etc. I can see
some of it replaced by web pieces, like OWA when we go to Exchange 2003
but doubt it all would (Word for example). She's not even talking about
using WI, but getting rid of Citrix all together. Is a VPN a real
replacement? How would it work if a user needed to use an app like Word
and didn't have it on their local system? How usable is it in a dialup
speed environment?

Any comments would be appreciated. For what its worth, all the Network
Engineers and even the IT Director think she's a bit off on this. I
thought I'd have to resuscitate our VOIP tech when she talked about
getting rid of Call Manager. Some of us think she drank too much of the
Microsoft Kool-Aid, but I need to start thinking about if this is really
possible and if it is, be able to have a different role than a Citrix
admin that has nothing to administer.


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