[The Daily Planet] "Pink Elephants on Parade"

  • From: Elizabeth Bethell <ejbethell@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: thedailyplanet@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 07 Oct 2006 22:40:15 +0100

Pink Elephants on Parade

Felix bowed low to his audience and their applause. Of course they loved him, he was a comic genius. It was only natural that they should adore him. Wiping the sweat from his face with a cloth, he bounced back-stage and grinned at Jason.

"Magnificent," his lover told him firmly, offering him one red rose.

Taking the rose, Felix smiled softly and ran the soft petals against his cheek. "Thank you," he said solemnly. "Let's go somewhere. I need to release some of this adrenaline."

"How's about you slip into something less comfortable and we head over to the Pink Elephant?" Jason grinned at the image of his lover in the purple spandex suit. Damn that boy had perfect curves.

The Pink Elephant was a gay club close to Wayne Tower which was renowned for having the best cabaret in town. Both Jason and Felix adored it, up on the dance floor as much as they could. With a wicked grin, Felix nodded and took Jason's hand, his fingers twirling around his lover's. "How's about you help me slither into said uncomfortable outfit?"

The pair laughed as they disappeared into Felix's changing room for their rather long changing session, lengthened only by their need to try on several outfits. They finally settled on Felix in tight purple pants and a pink shirt with a feather boa to match and Jason in black pants and a gold lame shirt. They made the perfect pair and they knew it so they exploded from the changing room and swaggered out of the stand up bar.

It was 2 am when Felix poured Jason into bed. His lover was very drunk but they'd had a wonderful evening of drinking and dancing. Of course, Felix didn't have alcohol, he'd always pretended to be allergic but really he just hated the stuff. Stripping out of his pants and shirt, he padded into their massive bathroom. He turned on the custom built huge shower with extra jets for an all around water flow and stepped in to scrub away the sweat and grime from the club.

It was all a mask, all of it. The man who loved his sweet, funny and silly boyfriend. The comedian who revelled in the audience's adoration. The observer of humanity. As the man cleansed his body, he felt his mind purify from the mess and complications of his fake life.

Clean and naked, he flipped the shower off then popped his contacts out, revealing his mismatched eyes of blue and green. Without even looking into the huge mirror across one wall of the bathroom, he reached into his toilet bag and took out his make up. With careful fingers, he applied the all over white then black to make the features of a skull. A wide-striped suit in shades of grey but without a shirt was pulled on and then a red chrysanthemum was the finishing touch. Fool lifted his eyes and grinned at himself in the mirror.

"Beautiful," he purred in a voice that was half an octave higher than Felix's. With a whoop of laughter, he leaped out of the bedroom window and vaulted down the fire escape.

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  • » [The Daily Planet] "Pink Elephants on Parade"