[TextEditor-mcc] Re: Pointer.c

  • From: Jens Langner <Jens.Langner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: texteditor_mcc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 10:52:27 +0200

Gianfranco "ShInKurO" Gignina schrieb:

>> There is no application to generate these array. They have been
>> completely made by hand. That's why you can see an ASCII art besides
>> them. But I can only suggest to not override these pointers with your
>> own ones. Keep the pointers with a TE.mcc object like they are now.
> Sorry I'm bad explained: I have to use same concept of change pointer into a
> part of gui which is not related to texteditor and I wanted know how can I
> generated array from images to use them into my project, I've no intended
> to modify TE :)

Well, you have to do it by hand, like I did ;) But it isn't really hard
if you outline it first as an ASCII art like I did.

Jens Langner, Dresden/Germany
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