[texbirds] supplement for SPI (Cameron Co.) Wednesday (04/10/13): Palm Warbler

  • From: "Rex Stanford" <calidris@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "TEXBIRDS" <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 13 Apr 2013 12:31:09 -0500

We have seen no TEXBIRDS posting related to the following sighting, so we 
thought it might be of interest to post it for the record despite the 
lateness of our report, and we apologize for the late posting. On the 
afternoon of Wednesday (04/10/13) South Padre Island (SPI, Cameron County) 
at the Convention Center played host to a PALM WARBLER in the trees behind 
the building. My photo time stamps indicate that my first photo of the bird 
was at 5:23 PM and my last at 6:07 PM, so this bird was present for at least 
about 45 minutes. We had hoped that this species, which is not easy to find 
in that area, would still be around the next day, but despite our looking 
for it and querying numerous birders there on Thursday (04/11/13), we found 
neither the bird nor reports of its having been seen that day. My on-site 
observations and my photo record strongly suggest (via bright yellow 
undertail area but virtually none of that color on the belly, but throat, 
upper-breast area, and supraloral area all showing some yellow) that this 
was the palmarum (western) subspecies, which is the more expected of the two 
subspecies in Texas. The reddish cap was very bright, and when the bird 
turned cross-ways to the late-day sun and the wind blew up a feather or two, 
the result was a fiery display. We are very grateful to an out-of-state 
couple who initially found this bird and pointed it out to us, as well, a 
handsome male Blackpoll Warbler.

Wishing everyone the best of spring-migration birding,
Rex and Birgit Stanford 

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Other related posts:

  • » [texbirds] supplement for SPI (Cameron Co.) Wednesday (04/10/13): Palm Warbler - Rex Stanford