[texbirds] Thank you from Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary

  • From: Susan Schaezler <warblerwoods@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: undisclosed-recipients:;
  • Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 18:11:58 -0600

Thank you from Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary
I want to thank all the wonderful people that helped at Warbler Woods Bird 
Sanctuary this year. It was a challenge with health and surgery for Don, my 
Father and myself.  With my back surgery, I can’t twist, bend,reach, pull, 
lift more than 10#, or much else.  It makes it hard to feed the birds with 
these restrictions and it will be awhile, but I don’t have the pain!

We have wonderful volunteers that have taken each day of the weekday and they 
take care of the feeding for all to enjoy!  The Lindheimer’s Master 
Naturalist have been busy taking care of the Butterfly Gardens and extending 
them, plus many other projects.  The Texas State Wildlife Society have spent 
numerous days helping here.  There have been  numerous other small groups and 
individuals that have helped.  We always have more work than volunteers, so we 
have had to pay to get those things done, which increases the cost of running 
Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary.

This year was quiet birdwise and no new birds.  Spring Migration was very 
quiet, which was helpful since my Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia was screaming.  
We had a record Fall Migration and hope for a great Spring this year.  Sparrows 
are decreased, but we still get a good list.

Lots of visitors today and we had Harris’s Sparrows for all and Eastern 
Towhee and Verdin.

If you can donate, you can do so here:


All donations go to Warbler Woods Bird Sanctuary and there are no salaries.

Susan Schaezler
WarblerWoods.org <http://warblerwoods.org/>
501 (c)(3)
Lone Star Land Steward
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