[texbirds] Lake Casa Blanca SP Birds

  • From: Holly Reinhard <holly.reinhard@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: TexBirds <texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 09:28:17 -0600

Hello TexBirders,
The cold has come in, and so have the waterfowl. I drove around the park
today, getting out to scope waterfowl (and then warming back up in the
car--the wind is brutal!). Species of note:

- American White Pelicans are back, though still in small numbers (just 3
seen today)
- Northern Shovelers are back--I had about 150 this morning
- Ruddy Duck
- Gadwall
- the gulls have returned--there was a small flock of about 15 Ring-billed
Gulls today. I expect more are coming in each day.
- Scissor-tailed Flycatchers are still around, and seem to be flocking up
- Osprey have been back for a few months now
- Least Sandpipers are more numerous than in the past few months, and
swarming the parking lot from the lake shore.

I know that the waterfowl were late coming into the valley, and the same
seems to be true here. However, they are trickling in now.

Full reports on eBird.

Good birding,

Holly Reinhard
Park Interpreter, Lake Casa Blanca State Park

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  • » [texbirds] Lake Casa Blanca SP Birds - Holly Reinhard