[texbirds] LaFitte's Cove yesterday

  • From: David McDonald <davidkmcd@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 14 Apr 2013 09:14:35 -0500

Hi Texbirders,

LaFitte's Cove was very quiet until evening yesterday.

I was there before lunch and found both tanagers, a blue grosbeaks, 
several indigo buntings and little else.

The ponds had a Sora, and a Solitary Sandpiper

I went back at 6:30 and about 7pm, birds finally started coming in.

Warblers seen were Prothonotary, Yellow-rumped - Myrtle and 
Audubon's, Yellow, Tennessee and I thought I heard mention of a Blackpoll

Red-eyed and White-eyed Vireos were found.

Both Orioles and a male Painted Bunting as well as a single 
Rose-breasted Grosbeak and another Blue Grosbeak.

Interestingly, both a Chuck-will's-widow and a Common Nighthawk with 
in the large central oak tree' although both were high up and hard to see.

Unfortunately, almost no birds came into the drip all day.

Here are some photos.....

This molting male Indigo Bunting looks really 
scruffy...     http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/149669056

The Prothonotary Warbler was just above our heads in a hackberry, and 
afforded everyone a good look, but he was constantly half hidden and 
avoided photos as best he 
could....   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/149669057

In the morning, a group of 3 Scarlet Tanagers gorged on the 
mulberries in the woods....   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/149669058

Here is the Common Nighthawk (notice long 
wings)...   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/149669055

The Chuck-will's-widow was IDed by Steve Gross. He had his throat 
hidden, but the tail can be seen extending beyond the wing tips 
(although I couldn't see that in 
binos)...   http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/149669054

On Settegast Road in am I found a single American 
Golden-Plover...  http://www.pbase.com/davidmcd/image/149669051

Good birding,

David McDonald

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