[texbirds] Boca Chica Beach

  • From: MiriamEagl@xxxxxxx
  • To: texbirds@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 29 Dec 2013 19:15:18 -0500 (EST)

Hi, all!
John Brush, Pat Heirs, and I headed out to Boca Chica this morning mainly  
in search of a reported Glaucous Gull.  Dipped on that, but we had just a  
delightful time on this one gorgeous day we'll have this week, it looks  
like!  A brief stop past the checkpoint first thing added a mob of Laughing  
Gulls and Cattle Egrets at the Dump, plus a pair of White-tailed Kites, but for 
 the most part we headed straight to the beach first.  We drove the full  
length both ways and had lots of the common stuff (Herring and Ring-billed  
Gulls; Caspian, Royal, and Forster's Terns; Ruddy Turnstones; Sanderlings we  
clocked running at 5 m.p.h.; Willets, and Brown Pelicans), plus an 
interesting  assortment of waders at the mouth including Avocets and Tricolored 
Heron.   We were hoping for Gannet and Bonaparte's Gulls, but we dipped on both 
of those  as well.  The sentinel Great Blue Herons spaced evenly along the 
dunes were  Pat's favorites of the morning:  some were sporting a "yoga" pose 
while one  in particular had the wide-eyed look of someone just having 
smoked  something...  Back in a large inland body of water John spotted a mob 
 White Pelicans.
We had lots of White-tailed and Harris' Hawks on the way down that we took  
the time to enjoy going back up, along with several Caracaras, Ospreys, and 
a  single Red-tailed Hawk.  The bird of day for both John and myself was a  
chirping Sedge Wren (two, actually) that I heard and John spotted!  The  
road to the river (by the house) had a Cassin's Sparrow that John found 
amongst  the Lincoln's; the river itself didn't have much except some squealing 
Caspian  Terns.  Everyone thought it was scandalous that there were NO Reddish 
 Egrets in the flats!!
We stopped for a kettle and logged both vultures and a couple of Chihuahuan 
 Ravens in with the group, but an odd sound turned out to be a "pitchfork" 
(as  Pat put it) of Snow Geese!  No Aplomado Falcons, either, so we drowned 
our  sorrows with a half dozen Krispy Kreme donuts... :-)  Photos are posted 
Bird List:
  Snow  Goose                             Chen caerulescens
Double-crested  Cormorant               Phalacrocorax auritus
American White  Pelican                 Pelecanus erythrorhynchos
Brown  Pelican                          Pelecanus occidentalis
Great Blue  Heron                       Ardea herodias
Great  Egret                            Ardea alba
Snowy  Egret                            Egretta thula
Tricolored  Heron                       Egretta tricolor
Cattle  Egret                           Bubulcus ibis
Black  Vulture                          Coragyps atratus
Turkey  Vulture                         Cathartes aura
Osprey                                 Pandion haliaetus
White-tailed Kite
  Northern  Harrier                       Circus cyaneus
Harris's  Hawk                          Parabuteo unicinctus
White-tailed  Hawk                      Geranoaetus albicaudatus
Red-tailed  Hawk                        Buteo jamaicensis
American  Avocet                        Recurvirostra americana
Black-bellied  Plover                   Pluvialis squatarola
Greater  Yellowlegs                     Tringa melanoleuca
Willet                                 Tringa semipalmata
Long-billed  Curlew                     Numenius americanus
Ruddy  Turnstone                        Arenaria interpres
Sanderling                             Calidris alba
Laughing  Gull                          Leucophaeus atricilla
Ring-billed  Gull                       Larus delawarensis
Herring  Gull                           Larus argentatus
Caspian  Tern                           Hydroprogne caspia
Forster's  Tern                         Sterna forsteri
Royal  Tern                             Thalasseus maximus
Golden-fronted  Woodpecker              Melanerpes aurifrons
Ladder-backed  Woodpecker               Picoides scalaris
Crested  Caracara                       Caracara cheriway
American  Kestrel                       Falco sparverius
Eastern  Phoebe                         Sayornis phoebe
Great  Kiskadee                         Pitangus sulphuratus
Couch's  Kingbird                       Tyrannus couchii
Loggerhead  Shrike                      Lanius ludovicianus
White-eyed  Vireo                       Vireo griseus
Chihuahuan  Raven                       Corvus cryptoleucus
Verdin                                 Auriparus flaviceps
House  Wren                             Troglodytes aedon
Sedge  Wren                             Cistothorus platensis
Long-billed  Thrasher                   Toxostoma longirostre
Northern  Mockingbird                   Mimus polyglottos
European  Starling                      Sturnus vulgaris
Orange-crowned  Warbler                 Oreothlypis celata
Common  Yellowthroat                    Geothlypis trichas
Cassin's  Sparrow                       Peucaea cassinii
Savannah  Sparrow                       Passerculus sandwichensis
Lincoln's  Sparrow                      Melospiza lincolnii
Eastern  Meadowlark                     Sturnella magna
Great-tailed  Grackle                   Quiscalus mexicanus
Altamira  Oriole                        Icterus gularis

Mary Beth  Stowe
McAllen, TX
_www.miriameaglemon.com_ (http://www.miriameaglemon.com/) 

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  • » [texbirds] Boca Chica Beach - MiriamEagl